Hamas and Hezbollah's ideal scenario: Ramadan attacks fueling violence - opinion

Police must be vigilant and sensitive in their reactions as factors may escalate tensions, leading to a potential security crisis in the region.

 Temple Mount  (photo credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)
Temple Mount
(photo credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)

This year, the month of Ramadan began with the sounds of the thundering cannons, air force bombings in the North and South, and the continued ground operation in Gaza, where the IDF continues to carry out its mission.

The Muslims in the Gaza Strip, Israel, and the West Bank never knew a Ramadan fast like the one that took place this year. Only a few in the Gaza Strip will observe the holiday this year due to the war. Israeli Arabs will celebrate the holiday with a very low intensity because their attention is directed to what is happening on the various battlefields.

Israeli Arabs will continue to pray on the Temple Mount, according to the security establishment's proposal that the prime minister accepted - contrary to the extreme position of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. One should hope that the Arab citizens will continue to behave, and will not respond to the demands of extremists to join violent protests.

As for the Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria, the issue is much more complex. It is to be hoped that the security situation will not worsen, and we won't be forced to lead our lives in constant worry of deadly terrorist attacks.

We are witnessing specific attacks carried out by individuals, and this trend continues with ups and downs in the scope of terrorist acts and murder. The atmosphere in the Arab streets is cloudy and depressing, the morale is very low, and most of the attributes of Ramadan have disappeared.

 The Temple Mount, and al-Aqsa Mosque, seen behind a fence of barbed wire, Jerusalem, February 2024 (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
The Temple Mount, and al-Aqsa Mosque, seen behind a fence of barbed wire, Jerusalem, February 2024 (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Some factors may worsen the situation, and the police, who are currently positioned in high-risk areas, must be doubly vigilant and even more sensitive in regard to their reactions. The Israel Police plays an extremely important role in maintaining public order. They must show restraint and patience because the situation is fragile and problematic. Any inappropriate response could set the area on fire and lead to an immediate security escalation.

Hamas and Iran's proxies attempt to lure the Palestinians into carrying out terrorist attacks. The police have the ability to prevent this through careful conduct, which must be determined and professional in response to any attempted attack.

The Shin Bet's critical role in Israel's safety 

From the beginning of the campaign, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) prevented hundreds of deadly attacks planned by Palestinian terrorists targeted at residents of the West Bank. Few of the attacks were carried out.

The terrorists, most of whom have no criminal record, were arrested or killed during the murder spree. These statistics show that there is no perfect deterrence and prevention. Service personnel engaged in cyber investigations and covert operations must intensify their involvement and be on high alert.

Members of the Shin Bet work day and night, in cooperation with the IDF and the police to prevent the next attack and save lives. Every successful attack encourages more attacks, and every thwarted attack may deter others from carrying it out.

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IDF soldiers are stationed in important areas to locate and thwart suspects and ensure proper supervision, control, and countermeasures. We are in a particularly critical, explosive, and challenging month, and the question of whether peace will be maintained depends on our enemies.