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Well. Let us suppose that the decision before Tsipras was so crucial and complex that it merited this exceptional step. But, in that case, the popular consultation should have been commensurate with that complexity. A careful and deliberate sounding of the will of the people. A polling organized and carried out with due respect for the stakes involved and a recognition of the informational requirements inherent in the situation. Instead of which we got a hastily arranged referendum. No public- information campaign worthy of the name. An opaque or downright incomprehensible question. An appeal for a “no!” that no one understood because, from the “no” to the euro of the first days to the “yes” of Sunday night, passing through the “no” to the proposals of the country’s creditors (undisclosed to the voters), its meaning changed three times in the space of a week.Ancient Greece had two words for the people. The “demos” of democracy and the “laos” of the mob, the group demagogy that the Romans called “turba.”