Those who oppose the national identity of the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael, Jewish sovereignty, Zionism, oppose the “life equation” that defines Israel’s mission and its existence.
By MOSHE DANNAlbert Einstein(photo credit: Courtesy)
The most famous mathematical equation is E=mc2 because it is associated with the production of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. Put simply, Einstein described a law in physics: mass (m) is another form of energy (E); and, when mass is multiplied by the speed of light (c) times itself, the result will produce tremendous energy.Einstein showed that the increased relativistic mass of a body comes from the energy of motion of the body – that is, its kinetic energy (E) – divided by the speed of light squared (c2).In another context, however, the equation could be used as a symbolic metaphor to explain something about modern Jewish history: The energy of the Jewish people, expressed in its return en masse to its homeland, Eretz Yisrael, will illuminate the world with Jewish values and ideals.Jewish energy, Jewish sovereignty, Zionism, the Ingathering of the Jewish People, are the fulfillment of God’s plan for the Jewish People in Eretz Yisrael.That the State of Israel is a hightech “Start-Up Nation” which brings scientific, technological and medical advancements to the world is wonderful, but it is not enough to justify the state’s existence.The State of Israel as the state of the Jewish People – not simply a “Jewish state” – has a divine and historical context and mission. Jerusalem, where the First and Second Temples were located, was the place where God’s presence was acknowledged and worshiped. For four millennia Torah, the Jewish People and Eretz Yisrael are intimately and inextricably linked.The State of Israel, therefore, as an expression of Jewish sovereignty, is not just a political entity (a nominal democracy), but a spiritual process of realizing God’s plan and purpose for the Jewish people and, hopefully, for mankind.Einstein’s equation explained how the mass of a radioactive substance can increase exponentially.The cloud that is produced by the Jewish people resembles not a mushroom and destruction, but the cloud of God’s presence at Sinai.A Jewish state does not mean a theocracy in the traditional sense – since that implies the imposition of religious hierarchies and laws in order to wield power for its own sake in a religious/political construct. Theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia bring no spiritual force into the world; they use Islam as a vehicle to exercise power.
Those who oppose the national identity of the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael, Jewish sovereignty, Zionism, oppose the “life equation” that defines Israel’s mission and its existence.As Einstein’s equation symbolizes the nuclear age, the return of the Jewish people to its homeland symbolizes the eternal Covenant between God and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, a promise unfolding, Redemption – the Age of Consciousness – a quantum world of faith, the belief in One God.