How is Travelier working to make global land travel accessible, comfortable for all?

The Inside Israeli Innovation Podcast with Eve Young: Season 2, Episode 21.

 Omer Chehmer – Co-Founder & COO, and Noa Greenfield - Brand & advertising leader. Travelier  (photo credit: Courtesy)
Omer Chehmer – Co-Founder & COO, and Noa Greenfield - Brand & advertising leader. Travelier
(photo credit: Courtesy)

This week, host Eve Young, economics correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, interviews online ground transportation booking platform, Travelier's Omer Chehmer – Co-Founder & COO, and Noa Greenfield - Brand & advertising leader.

Omer and Noa explain how Travelier is working to make land travel accessible to travellers all around the world, even in remote locations, or areas where ticket purchases are typically still made in person. 

They talk about how Travelier is working to take the uncertainty out of foreign land travel, especially for women, with their tailor-made safety feature. They touch on how this innovation was an employee's idea, and more generally, how a diverse group of innovators can produce better innovation. 

Omer and Noa share about the complexities, on both a technical and cultural level, of working in such a global environment; and share about their close work with local vendors in the countries in which they operate. 

About Inside Israeli Innovation:

Your go-to podcast for all things to do with innovation in Israel. Join Eve Young as she delves into the heart of Israel's tech and business scenes and uncovers the groundbreaking ideas and visionary minds working to shape the future. Join her each week as she shines a spotlight on the latest trends and entrepreneurial spirit propelling Israel to the forefront of global innovation.

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