What is Qatar's role in hostage negotiations?

The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Sarah Ben-Nun and Zvika Klein.

 Yifat Calderon, cousin of Ofer Calderon, who is being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza, and supporters in front of the US Embassy branch in Tel Aviv. "Entry into Rafah is a death sentence for the hostages. The government is sacrificing the hostages. We will not allow it to bury the deal." (photo credit: Adar Eyal)
Yifat Calderon, cousin of Ofer Calderon, who is being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza, and supporters in front of the US Embassy branch in Tel Aviv. "Entry into Rafah is a death sentence for the hostages. The government is sacrificing the hostages. We will not allow it to bury the deal."
(photo credit: Adar Eyal)

This week on The Jerusalem Post Podcast, hosts Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Zvika Klein and Sarah Ben-Nun discuss Eurovision, antisemitism on campuses, and the hostages. Then, Uriel-Beeri and Ben-Nun are joined by Gili Cohen, diplomatic correspondent for KAN News, to discuss her recent visit to Qatar and her take on hostage negotiations, the manipulative maneuver Hamas pulled this week, and what the US's stance says about the future of the Israel-Hamas war.

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