7 principles that make for quick divorce proceedings

  (photo credit: freepik)
(photo credit: freepik)

Divorce continues to become more common in Israel, with roughly 40% of marriages ending in divorce today. While difficult, there’s no reason that this process needs to be any more drawn out or exhausting than it has to be when you have the right legal representation.

Many people going through the divorce process just want it to be over with so they can move on to a new chapter of their life. However, you don’t want to rush through without taking the proper approach. There are steps you can take to ensure that you make it through your divorce with minimal difficulties, without upsetting your family ties, and while maintaining your current standard of living. We spoke with expert family law lawyer Oded Wolf about the seven key principles he puts into action helping his clients at Oded Wolf Law Office .

  1. Timely divorce proceedings rely on mutual agreement between the parties. Those who are interested in a quick divorce procedure should agree in advance on various things, such as the separation itself and general lines regarding it (child custody, division of property, etc.). This does not negate the importance of the divorce agreement, the mediation process, and the rabbinical divorce.
  2. While not required, divorce agreements are the best approach. Strictly speaking, you can have a divorce without a divorce agreement. However, this will only complicate things down the line. The agreement outlines essential areas such as child custody, visitation, alimony, and more. It provides a solid foundation and rarely changes, only due to mutual assent or court order.
  3. Prenuptial agreements can speed up divorce proceedings. Couples who signed a prenuptial financial agreement often have faster divorce proceedings. The agreement provides a sound basis for the division of marital assets, alimony, and other key factors, avoiding prolonged arguments.
  4. Divorce agreements need approval by the Civil or Rabbinical Court. Once an agreement is reached, it requires the Civil Court or Rabbinical Court approval to become legally valid. After that, the Rabbinical Court alone can set a date for settling the divorce.
  5. Each party must protect their own interests. Whether moving forward with or without a divorce agreement, both parties must seek legal advice. Ideally, they will each have consulted with lawyers from the very beginning of the process to prevent any issues.
  6. A lawyer makes the process both quick and thorough. While it might seem contradictory, working with a lawyer can speed up the divorce process while also leaving no stone unturned. Your lawyer will protect your interests while minimizing the time you spend and the length of divorce proceedings.
  7. Not all proceedings can be quick. When both parties are aligned in their interests, then divorce proceedings can move quickly. However, some divorces are more complex. While a lawyer can help the process move faster, there are some aspects of your personal and family interests that are worth additional time to address.

Making the Right Choices in a Challenging Time

Divorce proceedings require navigating a complex web of legal requirements, varying opinions, and interests between both parties. Reaching out to a lawyer can help streamline your divorce proceedings and ensure the best possible outcome in the end.

This article was written in cooperation with Oded Wolf Law Office