9 questions to ask a dentist for an implant in Turkey

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Are you considering dental implant surgery and don't know which questions to ask a dentist for an implant? You're in the right place. Dr. Cevahir Taşkın has the answers (and questions) for you. Dr. Taşkın is the head Dentist at Dentfix Turkey and has helped many patients get their dream dental implants. 

Which questions should you ask before a dental implant? 

During the initial consultation, you should ask all the dental implant questions you have in your mind. Maybe they're simple questions, maybe they're complicated questions. It doesn't matter. You should never leave the dental implant consultation with doubts. 

So here are 9 questions to ask a dentist for an implant procedure. 

  1. Are dental implants expensive? 
  2. Who is suitable for dental implants? 
  3. Do I need a bone graft before the implants? 
  4. Do dental implants feel real? 
  5. How long is the procedure for dental implants? 
  6. What can you not do after dental implants? 
  7. What are the complications of dental implants? 
  8. Can smokers get dental implants? 
  9. Does the procedure of dental implants hurt? 
  1. Are dental implants expensive? 

Oh, this is a difficult one. Let's not go around it. Yes, when it comes to dental treatment options, dental implants can be expensive and this is why, often, people pick affordable implants in Turkey and pick medical tourism. 

You will need to ask your dentist for a quote and discuss your situation and your budget. 

In general, an implant can cost from 1000 USD to 3000 USD in the US. We are talking implant so generally per missing teeth, not per procedure. These are the prices that usually push people to visit Turkey. 

  1. Who is suitable for dental implants? 

If you take out price, this can be a very good start. Before asking any more questions, it's important to understand if you're a good candidate for implants. If you're not, no need to ask any more questions, right? 

You should: 

  • be healthy: no previous serious health conditions or something impacting your body's ability to heal. Full disclosure on your medical history is the way to go; 
  • have a healthy mouth: teeth, gums, and overall mouth should be in good health and every condition should be treated before getting implants. For example, no cavities or gum disease; 
  • have one - or more - missing tooth: you know, that's the point of getting implants, replacing missing teeth. 
  • have enough bone density: if you don't know what this means, the dentist will explain it to you; 
  • your jaw completed the growth process: usual this means you're 16-18 years old up; 
  1. Do I need a bone graft before the implants? 

Now, this is important. You need a bone graft surgery if your jawbone doesn't have enough density to support an implant or doesn't have bone volume loss. 

  • If you need one, you will need extra surgery to get your bone graft, bone graft surgery. 
  • If you don't need one, you can directly get a dental implant. 
  1. Do dental implants feel real?Yes. Let us explain. This is a solution for your natural tooth loss. You won't feel anything different 

from real teeth once the implant settles and you're completely healed. 

  1. How long is the procedure for dental implants? 

So, you may need to know how long the procedure for dental implants is. You may want to organize your schedule or have a clear idea of what's about to happen and what's the average healing time. That makes sense. 

The procedure, as in the surgery, doesn't usually last more than a couple of hours. However, the healing process is 3 to 6 months. 

  1. What can you not do after dental implants? 

There are quite a few things you won't be able to do in the first one or two weeks after a dental implant. Also, there are a couple of things you can't do in general with an implant. 

For example, in the first few days after the procedure, you will only eat soft food, preferably the blended type. Think about what a toddler can eat. No, to smoke, to any sticky/hard/crunchy food, and no to alcohol or caffeine too. 

  1. What are the complications of dental implants?This is the part with some negatives. However, if we talk about questions to ask a dentist for an 

implant, this is an important part to ask: risk factors. 

You should be aware of complications before embarking on the journey. So take your time to have the dentist explain to you every single complication and how common they are. 

Complications can vary, there can be a risk of infections, temporary pain, gum recession, and very rarely, failure. You may also have some temporary discomfort and headache. 

  1. Can smokers get dental implants? 

In an ideal world, nobody would smoke, especially before an implant. However, that's not reality. So, can a smoker get an attractive smile with implants? 

If you're a smoker, especially a heavy smoker, have a chat with your dentist before planning the operation. It's the best thing to do. 

Here are a few things to discuss: 

  • will you be able to stop before and after the surgery or quit? 
  • how can both of you handle the higher complications risk of an implant for a heavy 


  • for how long should you stop before and after? 
  • what happens if you smoke? 
  1. How do you clean dental implants? 

Keeping your implant clean and perfect is important for good oral health and for longevity. So ask your dentist how to keep your implant clean and perfect. You won't regret it! 

Usually keeping them clean it's easy and the only important thing is not to scratch the prosthetic part - you know, the fake tooth. 

Clean with a soft-bristle toothbrush, don't use abrasive products, and floss with unwaxed dental floss. Proper care is easy, keep good oral hygiene and you won't have any problem. 

Don't use any weird DIY method to clean, disinfect or whiten the teeth, please. They're most probably dangerous and wrong. And don't take advice from social media! 

  1. Does the procedure of dental implants hurt? 

Are you afraid of pain? Do you have a low tolerance for pain? Or you're simply curious about the possible pain factor? 

Well, ask your dentist about it! He knows about pain and uncomfortable feelings; we all know nobody likes to go to the dentist. 

All jokes aside, you will have local anesthesia throughout the procedure, so you don't feel a thing. Maybe just light pressure and annoying noises. 

After the procedure, during the first 7-10 days you may feel discomfort and pain going from moderate to medium. 

This article was written in cooperation with Dentfix Turkey