Donate to Israel Now: Top 26 Charities Making a Difference in Israel in 2024

  (photo credit: Yossi Elchanan)
(photo credit: Yossi Elchanan)

Discover the top platforms to donate to Israel in 2024. This guide offers a curated list of credible sites, ensuring your generosity reaches its intended destination effectively and efficiently. Each option is vetted for maximum impact.

Our Top Choice: Keep On Riding

Keep On Riding is a remarkable project dedicated to providing bicycles to children who have been forcibly evacuated from their homes due to the Oct 7th war. These bicycles offer a return to normalcy and freedom, especially for children and teens. Your donation helps them access vital services, schools, and jobs, aiding their recovery from displacement and trauma.

Click here >> to donate to Keep on Riding

Things to consider when choosing a donate to Israel platform:

    1. Transparency and Accountability: When selecting a platform for your donation, seek out organizations that provide clear reports on how funds are used. A reputable charity should have a track record of responsible financial management and be forthcoming with spending details. This transparency allows you to see the tangible effects of your contribution, building trust and ensuring your donation has the impact you intend.
    2. Alignment with Values: Your donation is an extension of your beliefs and values. Look for organizations whose missions resonate with you. Whether it's supporting medical advances, aiding vulnerable populations, or bolstering educational initiatives, finding a cause that aligns with your values will make your donation more meaningful to you and more impactful for the recipient. And if supporting a Jewish-centered cause is especially close to your heart, you can find the best jewish donation sites here.
    3. Efficiency and Impact: It's essential to consider how effectively an organization turns donations into direct aid. An efficient charity has streamlined processes to minimize administrative costs, ensuring a higher percentage of your donation directly supports the cause. Check for ratings and endorsements from independent charity evaluators, which can offer insights into the organization's impact.
    4. Modes of Contribution: Some donors prefer one-time gifts, while others may wish to make recurring donations. Additionally, consider whether the platform supports non-monetary donations, such as volunteering time or donating goods. The ease of the donation process and the options available can significantly influence your decision.

Watch the Top 7 Israeli Charities Worth Supporting

The best 26-donate-to-Israel sites:

1. Keep On Riding - A unique project provides bicycles to kids, teens, and adults who were evacuated from their homes. Bicycles were their main way of getting around, both at home and in their current location. This helps them return to their regular activities, which means a lot to them.

Credit - Adcore
Credit - Adcore
  1. Magen David Adom (MDA) – Israel's national emergency medical response organization, MDA, is integral to the country's healthcare system. Donating to MDA helps supply ambulances and life-saving equipment, contributing to the organization's readiness and response capabilities.

Credit: Magen David Adom
Credit: Magen David Adom
  1. Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) – FIDF provides support for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and their families. With a focus on well-being and educational programs, donations to FIDF bolster the morale and welfare of those protecting Israel.

Credit: FIDF
Credit: FIDF
  1. Leket Israel – As the country's largest food bank, Leket Israel combats hunger by rescuing surplus food and providing it to those in need. Donating here means supporting food security and nutrition for thousands of Israelis.
  2. Yad Sarah – Renowned for lending medical equipment and providing home care support, Yad Sarah is a lifeline for the elderly and disabled. Contributions assist in expanding its vast array of free or low-cost services.
  3. The Jewish Agency for Israel – This organization is pivotal in Jewish immigration to Israel and global Jewish education. Donations help in building connections between Israel and the Jewish community worldwide.
  4. Israel Guide Dog Center – The center is dedicated to improving the quality of life for visually impaired Israelis. Supporting this organization helps provide guide dogs and training, fostering independence for the blind.
  5. United Hatzalah – A volunteer-based emergency medical services organization, United Hatzalah responds rapidly to save lives. Donating accelerates their response times and expands their life-saving reach.
  6. Save a Child's Heart – With a mission to improve pediatric cardiac care for children from developing countries, your donation aids in funding surgeries, training medical personnel, and upgrading facilities.
  7. Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) – This historic organization focuses on environmental conservation and development in Israel. Contributions support reforestation, water conservation, and community development projects.
  8. Eretz-Ir – Dedicated to urban renewal and community development, Eretz-Ir fosters sustainable communities through donations that bolster employment and social entrepreneurship.
  9. Beit Issie Shapiro – A leader in the development and provision of innovative therapies for children with disabilities, donations here support state-of-the-art interventions and advocacy for inclusion.
  10. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) – For those passionate about human rights, donating to ACRI supports legal action and educational programs that promote civil liberties in Israel.
  11. Latet – An aid organization that assists needy populations, Latet's contributions go towards poverty relief, including food aid and social services.
  12. Israel Tennis & Education Centers Foundation (ITEC) – ITEC uses sports to foster the personal growth of Israeli youth. Donations contribute to athletic programs that promote empowerment and social development.
  13. Shalva – Shalva provides care for individuals with disabilities, offering a range of tailored therapeutic programs. Your donation can help transform lives by expanding the reach of their compassionate services.
  14. The Lone Soldier Center – Supporting "lone soldiers," who serve in the IDF without immediate family in Israel, your donations provide housing, counseling, and social events to ease their service period.
  15. Kav LaOved – Dedicated to protecting the rights of the most vulnerable workers in Israel, donations here support advocacy, legal assistance, and education to ensure fair employment practices.
  16. OneFamily – OneFamily offers support to victims of terrorism and their families. Donations help provide psychological counseling, financial assistance, and rehabilitation programs.
  17. Innovation: Africa – By bringing Israeli solar, water, and agricultural innovations to African villages, your donation here drives sustainable development projects that have a lasting impact.
  18. Tmura – If you're interested in the intersection of philanthropy and innovation, Tmura accepts donations in the form of equity contributions from Israeli or Israel-related startups, funneling the proceeds into various social initiatives.
  19. Zaka – Zaka is a volunteer-based organization that provides emergency response and recovery services in Israel and around the world. They specialize in search and rescue, medical assistance, and recovery efforts during times of crisis.
  20. Handicap International – This organization focuses on assisting individuals with disabilities in Israel and globally. Donations help provide rehabilitation services, accessibility solutions, and advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities.
  21. Yemin Orde Youth Village – Yemin Orde is a residential community and school in Israel that supports at-risk youth from around the world. Contributions help provide education, mentorship, and rehabilitation for youth facing challenges.
  22. Ziv Medical Center – Located in Safed, Ziv Medical Center serves diverse communities in northern Israel. Donations support medical services, technological advancements, and infrastructure improvements to enhance healthcare in the region.
  23. Ezrat Achim – Ezrat Achim is a charitable organization that provides assistance to individuals and families in need, offering a range of social services, including financial aid, food distribution, and support for vulnerable populations.


The act of giving is not just a financial transaction but an investment in values, aspirations, and shared humanity. Each of these 21 platforms to donate to Israel offers a unique opportunity to support a spectrum of causes, from social welfare and health care to environmental sustainability and human rights.

Our top picks are KEEP ON RIDING, this project helps the southern evacuated communities regain a sense of normalcy during these very challenging times and Magen David Adom, for its critical role in emergency response and healthcare – a lifeline in times of crisis. 

Close runners-up include Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, for providing essential support to the individuals safeguarding the country's future, and Leket Israel, for addressing the fundamental human need for food with dignity and efficiency.

Ultimately, the choice of where to donate should align with your personal values and the kind of impact you wish to make. These platforms are more than just intermediaries; they are partners in a mission to foster a better world, starting with the complex and vibrant tapestry that is Israel.

Questions and answers on donation to Israel

Q1: How does donating to Israel benefit the broader global community?

A1: Donating to Israel has a ripple effect that can benefit the global community in several ways. Israel is known for its advancements in technology, agriculture, and healthcare. By supporting Israeli charities, donors can contribute to research and development projects that may lead to global innovations. Additionally, many Israeli non-profits are involved in international aid, providing disaster relief and sharing knowledge in areas like water conservation and sustainable agriculture, which have a worldwide impact.

Q2: Are donations to Israeli charities tax-deductible?

A2: For donors within the United States and many other countries, donations to Israeli charities are often tax-deductible when these organizations have a registered affiliate or are themselves registered in the donor's country. It's essential to consult with a tax advisor or check the charity's status to understand the specific tax implications and ensure that the charity meets the legal requirements for a tax-deductible donation in your jurisdiction.

Q3: Can I donate to specific projects within an Israeli charity?

A3: Yes, many Israeli charities allow donors to earmark their donations for specific projects. When you make a donation, you can usually specify where you want your funds to go, whether it's for medical equipment, educational programs, food aid, or another initiative. It's a great way to personalize your contribution and support causes that are particularly meaningful to you.

Q4: How can I ensure my donation to Israel is used effectively?

A4: To ensure your donation is used effectively, research the charity's performance and governance. Look for organizations with a strong record of achievement and reviews from independent charity evaluators. Also, check for transparency in financial reporting and program outcomes, which can provide assurance that the charity is using donations efficiently and for the intended purposes.

Q5: What are some ways to donate to Israel without giving money?

A5: There are numerous non-monetary ways to support Israeli charities. These include volunteering your time, either on the ground in Israel or remotely from your home country. You can also donate goods, such as clothing, electronics, or medical supplies, depending on the charity’s needs. Additionally, raising awareness, organizing fundraising events, and leveraging professional skills to benefit the charity are valuable forms of support.

Q6: How do I choose a charity to donate to in Israel that aligns with my faith?

A6: If faith alignment is crucial for your donation, start by identifying charities whose mission statements resonate with your religious values. Many charities in Israel are connected to religious organizations and support causes that might be significant to different faiths. Look for endorsements from religious leaders or communities to find a charity that aligns with your beliefs.

Q7: What measures do Israeli charities take to protect donor privacy?

A7: Most reputable Israeli charities are committed to protecting donor privacy. They typically have policies in place to safeguard personal information, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure that donor data is not shared without consent. It's advisable to review the privacy policy of the charity before donating, to understand how your information will be used and protected.

Q8: Can I contribute to Israeli charities through my estate or will?

A8: Yes, you can include Israeli charities in your estate planning or will. This type of giving, known as planned giving, can be set up by designating the charity as a beneficiary in your will or through other estate planning instruments. It’s recommended to work with a financial advisor or attorney to ensure that the bequest is properly structured.

Q9: Are there any initiatives for young donors to contribute to Israeli charities?

A9: Many Israeli charities have special programs and giving circles designed for young donors. These programs often involve educational components, social events, and opportunities to connect with peers interested in philanthropy. Such initiatives can provide younger individuals with a meaningful way to contribute and learn more about charitable work in Israel.

Q10: How can I monitor the impact of my donation to Israel?

A10: To monitor the impact of your donation, look for charities that provide regular updates to donors. Many organizations send out newsletters, annual reports, and updates on specific projects, which can illustrate how your funds are being used and what has been achieved. Donors are also encouraged to engage with the charity through events or by reaching out directly to ask for updates on projects they have supported.

Explore all charity articles

This article is part of the Jpost Charity Series, a collection of articles that delve into various charitable organizations and the impactful work they do. Throughout this series, we aim to shed light on the initiatives and causes that deserve your support. When it comes to recommendations, you can trust Jpost's thorough research and commitment to highlighting reputable organizations that make a real difference. Our team diligently evaluates each charity's transparency, effectiveness, and alignment with meaningful causes, ensuring that your generosity is directed towards the most deserving and impactful initiatives. 

Children’s charities

Environmental charities

Christian Charities

Bike charities

Israel charities

Jewish charities

Donate to the IDF

This article was written in cooperation with Adcore