How the opening of the Raphael Recanati International School is different this year
We will soon be opening the new academic year at IDC Herzliya and in the context of the coronavirus, we are preparing for an unconventional semester ahead.
By DAN RONVITZJonathan Davis, VP IDC Herzliya, Head of the RRIS(photo credit: JONATHAN DAVIS)
We will soon be opening the new academic year at IDC Herzliya and in the context of the coronavirus, we are preparing for an unconventional semester ahead. The beginning of the 2020-21 academic year is a one-of-a kind which the students will one day discuss with their children and grandchildren. Registration is also well underway for the next year, with our first information session to be held via zoom in November.
We commend our 700 students whom we have personally assisted in returning to Israel. Thanks to our collaboration with the Council for Higher Education and the Ministry of Health, we have been successful in helping these students come to Israel. This challenging mission has called for the implementation of an operations room within the absorption division of the Raphael Recanati International School. It has demanded a team on call 24/7, ready to answer the flood of phone calls and email requests from parents and students. We currently await more than 100 students who are in the process of returning to Israel. My compliments go out to the dedicated parents and students who have shown the courage of ensuring that they are physically in Israel for their studies during these uncertain times. Many have had to endure flight cancellations and bureaucratic constraints with regards to constantly changing regulations from the Health, Interior and Foreign ministries. Together with the academic excellence of our university, the zionist spirit, displayed by parents, students and staff, is heartwarming. During times of stress and pressure, these values become the order of the day.
Over the High Holy Days and Sukkot we have done what we can to reach out to the students in our dorms and provide them with as much holiday spirit as possible, taking into consideration the regulations of the Ministry of Health.
Both our International Parents Welcome Reception for all new parents, and out Student Orientation program will be held this year on zoom. We sincerely hope that with time, we will be able to incorporate more in-person teaching as well as more social interaction between the students and staff. However, the fact that over 95 percent of our 2000 international students are here in Israel, means they will benefit from being in the same time zone, as much social interaction as is allowed, as well as feelings of camaraderie brought on by the complex situation. By experiencing this together, our students will be creating unique memories of an exceptional time. My name is Tali Kadish, I am a 2nd year Psychology student from Johannesburg, South Africa. Adapting to online learning was challenging, but IDC have fully reoriented to online learning, interacting successfully with the students and providing exciting lectures. Being surrounded by classmates in the dorms allowed the online lessons to feel somewhat ‘normal’. Returning to Israel was a daunting experience, and leaving my family behind was an emotional process, however I know I made the right decision.
My name is Samuel Oks, I am from Paris and I'm starting my second year in Government. My first year was challenging during coronavirus. It was difficult to stay as focused, but the best part was that IDC really got on with it, so it was just a matter of learning a new habit of working and researching. After my exams, I decided to go back to France as I hadn't seen my family for some time. I intend to go back to Israel in two weeks to be ready to start this new year - my motivation remains the same, I am excited for the new year!
My name is Eitan Dooreck-Aloni. I was raised in Miami, Florida. I am now finishing the second year of my BA in Business Administration and Economics. IDC allows me to live in Israel, a country I love, while studying in English. While we can’t have classes in person, the administration and faculty have done an excellent job in adapting to online teaching. Thanks to online, recorded lectures, I can access any lesson, from any of my classes, at any time!