Shin Bet thwarts terror attack planned for coming days in Jerusalem

Two Palestinian operatives from the Resistance Committees terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip headed the establishment of the terror cell.

Israeli security forces stand at the site where an Israeli was killed in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City (photo credit: AMMAR AWAD / REUTERS)
Israeli security forces stand at the site where an Israeli was killed in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City
(photo credit: AMMAR AWAD / REUTERS)

The Shin Bet thwarted a West Bank terrorist cell organized by Palestinians from the Gaza Strip that planned to carry out a shooting attack in Jerusalem in the coming days, the agency announced on Tuesday.

According to the Israel security agency, two operatives from the Popular Resistance Committees terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip headed the establishment of the cell: Iman Youssef Khalil Zakot and Zabri Mohammad Zabri Aram, both from Rafah.

The Shin Bet was monitoring the cell from the moment the Gaza terrorists began planning it and revealed it once it came close to carrying out attacks.

How the Shin Bet took down a Palestinian terror cell

Zakot and Aram worked to recruit young Palestinians in the West Bank and provided them with training and instructions to carry out terrorist attacks against Israelis. They also worked to transfer weapons to the cell.

 (L-R) Zabri Mohammad Zabri Aram and Iman Youssef Khalil Zakot (credit: SHIN BET)
(L-R) Zabri Mohammad Zabri Aram and Iman Youssef Khalil Zakot (credit: SHIN BET)
Recently, two Palestinians in the West Bank were arrested on suspicion of being operatives in the cell. While being questioned, the two revealed that they had planned to carry out a significant shooting attack in Jerusalem for the cell in the coming days. The cell had also been planning to carry out additional attacks in the past few months.
Two other Palestinians from the West Bank were arrested last month on suspicion of being recruited to carry out a bombing attack in Israel for the cell. They had been instructed to carry out various operations for it and a weapon intended for terrorist attacks was confiscated from them as well.
The Popular Resistance Committees terrorist organization is backed and funded by Hamas.

The Shin Bet stressed that it considers Hamas to be responsible for all terrorist activity originating in the Gaza Strip, and “will continue to work even harder to thwart any attempt by terrorist elements to promote terrorist activity against the State of Israel and to act resolutely against all those involved in said terrorist activity.”

Additionally, on Tuesday, the Shin Bet and IDF announced that they had arrested a terrorist cell that fired towards the settlement of Karmei Tzur in January.

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Less than a week after the shooting, the IDF and Shin Bet detained three terrorist operatives from Beit Ummar: Muhammad Salibi, Rashed Alzaakik and Habib Salibi.

One of the three was also involved in several other cases of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles and soldiers.

Charges were filed against the three at a military court in Judea. The court ordered the extension of their detention until the end of the legal proceedings in their case.

Palestinian arrested for stabbing attack in Netanya

Additionally, on Tuesday, the police announced that they arrested a Palestinian in Netanya on March 12 who conducted a stabbing attack in the city without causing injuries.

Police received a report that day about a suspicious man carrying a knife on a boulevard in Netanya. The man attempted to stab a woman in front of passersby, but only hit her coat and did not cause her any bodily injuries. The suspect was brought before a military court to have his arrest extended on Tuesday morning.