
The Palestinians are an Arab national group from the Southern Levant, predominantly the modern State of Israel.

Palestinians are predominantly Sunni Muslims, thought there are a minority of Christian and Shia Palestinians, as well as Druze and Samaritians that identify as Palestinian. There is dispute about when the Palestinian identity coalesced, be it in the post- or pre-war periods, and if it was an internal development or in direct response to the zionist movement.

The war that established Israel between Jewish and Arab forces resulted in a mass displacement of Palestinian Arabs. There is a significant diaspora of Palesitnians, especially in neighbouring Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs, of which many also identify as Palestinian. Many Diaspora Palesitnians, as well as those from families displaced from beyond the 1948 armistice lines, identify as refugees.

Many Palestinian political movements lay claim to all the land of Israel as the future Palestinian state. The Palestinian Authority is one of the pirmary bodies that governs the Palestinians, with varying degrees of control in the West Bank. Palestinians have autonomy in Gaza, which is under the rule of Hamas.

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Annexation: While the IDF fights in Gaza, Smotrich is seizing control of the West Bank

The process of stripping the military of its powers in the West Bank and shifting control over to civilian bodies under Bezalel Smotrich’s leadership is almost complete.

  A map of Palestinian settlements along the seam line separating Israel from the West Bank.

Israel must stop the hostile Palestinian takeover of the West Bank

More than the hostile takeover of Judea and Samaria’s open spaces and beyond territorial annexation, it is an immediate and undeniable threat to the security of every man, woman, and child in Israel.


Israel is the solution: The Jewish state must have sovereignty in Gaza

Only Israel can be the sovereign rebuilding Gaza with Jewish resettlement, acting as the most powerful deterrent against our enemies, ensuring that Trump’s “peace through strength” is implemented.


Voices from the Arab press: Corruption, corruption, corruption

A weekly selection of opinions and analyses from the Arab media around the world.

Palestinian and Israeli flags overlook Dome of Rock and Western Wall

A Palestinian-Israeli alternative vision for peace

The real choice before us is not between being pro-Israel or pro-Palestine. The choice is between being pro-equality, pro-justice, and pro-dignity – or pro-war, death, and destruction.


The West is colonizing the Palestinian cause

The West has sabotaged Palestinian lives and injected the belief that Israel is to blame.


What will IDF's October 7 probes discover about Israel's Gaza defense policies?

The probes are expected to find that the military had an over-reliance for security visa vise Gaza on its multi-billion dollar, ultra hi-tech border fence.

Palestinians demonstrate in the village of Kafr Malik northeast of Ramallah in September 2019.

The world doesn't want to help Palestinians. They want to control them

If the advocates of the Palestinian cause don’t care about the actual Palestinians, what do they care about – and what role do the Palestinians play in their cause?

 Hamas's Al-Qassam Brigades seen in Khan Yunis, Gaza, February 20, 2025

Gaza plan requires Hamas removal, no forced relocation, Saudi officials say

A senior Egyptian official added: “The US administration has conveyed to Arab states that it is open to alternative plans regarding Gaza, beyond Trump’s initiative.”

A protest display against UNRWA seen in Jerusalem, March 18, 2024

UNRWA is an 'October 7 victim,' official claims in webinar with Hamas, PFLP

‘UNRWA is facing collapse; we are witnessing the agency’s coup de grace’ warned UNRWA’s media advisor, which featured antisemitic tropes and accusations of corruption.

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