When elephants died out during the Paleolithic era some 400,000 years ago, ancient residents in what is modern-day Israel created special stone tools to kill and process fallow deer to eat.The unique stone tools were made of flint from the Mountains of Samaria – located east of the prehistoric sites of Jaljulya and Qesem Cave. As a result, the researchers from Tel Aviv University who discovered this suggest that Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim – two mountains close to each other and having biblical significance – were held sacred by prehistoric hunters as early as the Paleolithic era.Today, the city of Nablus (Shechem) is located in the valley between Gerizim to the south and Ebal to the north.The word “fallow” to describe the deer comes from the Old English word “fealu,” which is translated as brownish yellow. Today, the species is native to Israel and Iran, but long ago, it was found throughout the Middle East.
Many fallow-deer bones were found at the altar site on Mount Gerizim, attributed in the Bible to Joshua bin Nun, and identified by some traditions as the place of Abraham’s Covenant of the Pieces described in Genesis. The Samarian mountains had a prominent or even sacred status as early as the Paleolithic period and retained their unique cultural position for hundreds of thousands of years.The TAU researchers said the new stone tools had a working edge shaped like scales, which was perfect for carrying out a variety of jobs including butchering and processing the deer. When the elephants became extinct in the region, the ancient hunters had to adapt themselves to eating another species that was plentiful.Early humans used stone tools called scrapers
About 1.5 million years ago, early humans used stone tools called scrapers to process hides and scrape the flesh off the bones of mostly large game. In the Levant, they hunted elephants and other large herbivores that provided most of the calories they needed. The study found, however, that about 400,000 years ago, following the elephants’ disappearance, hunters turned to a different kind of prey, fallow deer that were considerably smaller and swifter than elephants.Litov explained that “we tried to understand why stone tools changed during prehistoric times, with a focus on a technological change in scrapers in the Lower Paleolithic era. We found a dramatic change in the human diet during this period, probably resulting from a change in the available fauna. The large game, particularly elephants, had disappeared, and humans were forced to hunt smaller animals, especially fallow deer. Butchering a large elephant is one thing, and processing a much smaller and more delicate fallow deer is quite a different challenge.The systematic processing of numerous fallow deer to compensate for a single elephant was a complicated and demanding task that demanded the development of new implements. As a result, there was the emergence of the new Quina scrapers, with a better-shaped, sharper, more uniform working edge compared to the simple scrapers used before.”