Netanyahu: We'll take broad action against terrorists, advance settlements

During the week the Knesset will push legislation that would allow for the expulsion of terrorists and their families.

Benjamin Netanyahu at the government cabinet meeting, February 12, 2023. (photo credit: AMIT SHABI/POOL)
Benjamin Netanyahu at the government cabinet meeting, February 12, 2023.
(photo credit: AMIT SHABI/POOL)

The security cabinet on Sunday debated accelerated settlement building and the authorization of West Bank outposts, despite clear objections from the United States to such actions.

Ministers convened in the aftermath of Jerusalem’s terror attack at a bus stop on Friday that claimed three lives, including two children.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the security cabinet was prepared to take broad action against terrorists and their supporters in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

“The appropriate answer to terrorism is to strike it hard – and deepen our roots in our country even more,” Netanyahu said.

“The security cabinet will convene today to prepare for a more wide-ranging operation for those who carry out terrorism, and their supporters, in eastern Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, while avoiding – as much as possible – harm to those who are not involved.”

Benjamin Netanyahu

“The security cabinet will convene today to prepare for a more wide-ranging operation for those who carry out terrorism, and their supporters, in eastern Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, while avoiding – as much as possible – harm to those who are not involved,” Netanyahu said.

 Rescue and Police at the scene of the deadly car-ramming attack near the Ramot junction, in Jerusalem on February 10, 2023.  (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Rescue and Police at the scene of the deadly car-ramming attack near the Ramot junction, in Jerusalem on February 10, 2023. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

In addition, he said, the security cabinet will take steps “to strengthen settlement in our land, which the terrorists are trying to uproot,” Netanyahu added.

During the week, “we will pass in the Knesset the proposal of MK Ofir Katz to revoke the citizenship of terrorists and expel them,” he said, referencing the legislation applicable to those with Israeli citizenship or residency who receive terror stipends from the Palestinian Authority.

Separately on Sunday, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved an additional bill that would allow for expulsion and loss of citizenship irrespective of any connection to the PA stipends.

Security forces have already sealed off the home of the terrorist in Jerusalem’s A-Tur neighborhood.

“On behalf of the Israeli government, I send my heartfelt condolences to the families of those murdered in the severe attack in Jerusalem last Friday,” Netanyahu said.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had already called before the meeting for the Border Police to embark on a mission against terrorism similar to Operation Defensive Shield held in the West Bank in 2002 during the Second Intifada.

Ben-Gvir calls to launch Defensive Shield 2

Prior to the cabinet meeting, Ben-Gvir stated for the third day in a row, “I am determined to carry out Operation Defensive Shield 2” in east Jerusalem, adding that for many years there had been a lack of governance there.

“The intention is not to enter with tanks, not to do all kinds of actions that are the army’s prerogative, but I am the national security minister, and the Israel Police, can, should and I told it to prepare for ‘Operation Defensive Shield 2,’” he said.

Ben-Gvir said there were 150 terror suspects, and the police should “arrest them, search them” and “destroy homes there without fear,” as well as “give traffic tickets and instill governance in Jerusalem.”

He added that the police had already begun such an operation but that it was currently at a low intensity, which will grow.

“Without a governance operation in east Jerusalem, and, by the way, in the Negev and Galilee, it will blow up on us, it will blow up on the State of Israel,” the minister concluded.

Ben-Gvir’s comments came after he was criticized and even ridiculed over the weekend by senior police officials and politicians, including “senior government officials,” for calling for an operation soon after Friday’s attack, without understanding that operations of such scope require months of planning and are decided upon by the entire government.

While talking to reporters, the minister was holding a binder labeled “classified” with the title, “Operation Concentrating Effort.” It is not clear whether or not this was the operation to which he was referring.

Labor leader MK Merav Michaeli called on Netanyahu to fire Ben-Gvir, explaining that a serious and experienced person should be appointed.

“Israel cannot afford a provocateur like Itamar Ben-Gvir in such a sensitive position, at a time when the citizens of Israel are experiencing a serious deterioration in the security situation. The scene of a terrorist attack is not a circus, and the lives of Israeli citizens are not a reality show,” she added.