The settlement provides evidence of organized communities in central Canada much earlier than previously believed, according to Radio-Canada.
Israel is eagerly anticipating the upcoming Trump administration. However, Donald Trump remains unpredictable in the extreme and somewhat of a maverick, making any predictions unwise.
Jewish extremists resisted the removal, including throwing rocks at soldiers and wounding two IDF troops.
Strengthening the Galilee must be prioritized over Gaza to ensure long-term security, growth, and national resilience.
Israeli settlement activity has expanded by a record amount, and some settlers hope US President-elect Donald Trump will help them fulfill a dream.
Historically speaking, southern Lebanon is in fact northern Israel, and the roots of the Jewish people in the area run deep.
‘It’s a real danger’: Tour of the seam line barrier separating Israel from Judea and Samaria shows vulnerability to assault if preventive action isn’t taken.
Choosing two men with such strong views on the legitimacy of the West Bank settlements at a time when their status is being legally challenged in international courts makes a powerful statement.
When we reconvene for next year’s Middle East Summit, God willing, we’ll have made real progress toward Jewish sovereignty in our biblical heartland.
"Settling Gaza is possible, settling Gaza is realistic and necessary," one man said.