
Rise, fall, rumored return: Gaza's Gush Katif remembered in Jerusalem

A ‘rediscovered’ museum provides insight into the thriving Gaza community before the disengagement – and its status post-Oct. 7 today.


The ICJ is using a political escape routes to avoid calling Israel out on apartheid

The legal caution exercised by the ICJ on the most critical issues – such as avoiding the declaration that the occupation itself is illegal.


ICJ sips espresso while Tel Aviv coffee shops burn: A tale of legal myopia

Israeli settlements act as crucial buffers against the kind of aggressions that tend to happen when your neighbors aren't exactly sending you fruit baskets.


G7 condemns Israeli creation of new West Bank settlements

“Israel’s settlement program is inconsistent with international law and counterproductive to the cause of peace,” said the foreign ministers from the seven countries.

European Union condemns Israeli authorization of five new settlements

The Security Cabinet authorized one outpost for every country that unilaterally recognized Palestine as a state in the last month, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich explained.

Hundreds of residents from Israel's North plead not be be evacuated from Jerusalem hotel

"This coming Sunday, we are all supposed to leave the Yehuda Hotel, and we have nowhere to go," Nassimi explained. 

Israeli society unites on religion, torn over military issues since October 7

Showing how Israeli religious and non-religious Jews have united during wartime, the study reflected that 18% of Israelis now believed there to be strong conflicts between religious and non-religious

'We are proud to defend the country': Kibbutz Movement commemorates its 3,422 fallen

In the past year, an additional 322 fallen and murdered from among the Kibbutzim Movements were added - most of them were victims of the October 7 Massacre and casualties of the war that followed.


Settler group wins case on demolishing 'threatening' structure built over Route 398, West Bank

The High Court found in the groups's favor and ordered the government to explain why it had failed to enforce the law, within a time limit of two weeks.

Apartheid or no Jewish majority: Israel's settlement dilemma

Israel's former ambassador to South Africa writes: The choice between apartheid and the end of the Jewish majority is fast approaching.

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