Palestinian teenager killed in West Bank protests, riots continue in Acre

Some 400 protesters threw rocks and fireworks at police near Evyatar; dozens of Arabs were arrested in Acre; Three suspects arrested after Temple Mount prayers.

Israeli Police arrest a Palestinian protesterfollowing Right-wing politician Itamar Ben Gvir press conference on June 10, 2021.  (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH 90)
Israeli Police arrest a Palestinian protesterfollowing Right-wing politician Itamar Ben Gvir press conference on June 10, 2021.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH 90)
Some 400 Palestinians threw fireworks and rocks at Israeli security forces and burned tires at two locations near the Evyatar outpost in the West Bank on Friday.
According to Palestinian media, a 15-year-old Palestinian teenager was killed by Israeli forces, while another five were injured in the clashes as well. 

The Israeli outpost was first erected in 2013 after an Israeli actor, Evyatar Bobrovsky, 31, a Yitzhar resident, was stabbed to death by a Palestinian in a terrorist attack at the Tapuah Junction in the West Bank. 

At the time, it was evacuated almost immediately. 
Last month, settlers from the Nahala movement made the latest push to illegally consecrate the outpost after a drive by shooting at the same junction killed 19-year-old Yehuda Guetta
Some 47 families have moved onto the site, which has expanded rapidly to include a synagogue and a daycare.
In his last days in office, former-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested that the evacuation be delayed. 
Meanwhile, in Acre, dozens of Arab residents began to protest following the arrests of residents due to their involvement in last months riots, according to N12. 
Additionally, three suspects were apprehended by Israel Police for throwing stones and attacking police officers while they were dispersing the crowd following afternoon prayer services on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 
One female officer was injured when a stone was thrown at her head by a minor at the Bab Huta neighborhood inside the Muslim Quarter. 

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The minor was arrested by police at Herod’s Gate. 
The three suspects have been taken in for investigation. 
Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.