By JERUSALEM POST STAFFCrossword puzzle [Illustrative]. (photo credit: PIXABAY)Capital letters for December (Credit: JPost)Across1. ___ie Sanders – and European capital5. Wellness gps.9. ___ bean and – South American capital13. Sound rebound14. Swiss river (AREA anagram)15. ___ respects: wholly (2 words)17. That Was ___, This Is Now – 1971 SE Hinton novel18. “Jam” in Jerusalem
19. Works the soil20. Supplied with personnel22. Used an editorial instruction24. Assistant25. When the temperature changes, the mercury either falls ___ (2 words)26. ___ America: Marvel superhero29. US federal weather svc. agcy.30. Where CEOs work (abbr)31. Overcome with spirits (drunken)35. ___ Powers: Mike Myers character – and US state capital39. Maurice Sendak character who says, “I don’t care” – and US state capital40. Veneers42. Listening device43. Small home or shelter for doves44. Views that reality is a unitary whole48. Andrew or Michael or Pollock or Browne – and US state capital51. Value of a “Benjamin” (2 words)52. Worship, look up to in Britain (var)53. Harry Potter and the Order of the ___ – and US state capital57. Become harvestable or edible58. In Greek mythology, the personification of the Earth (var)60. Medical researcher’s goal61. Tractor pioneer John62. Port city declared the temporary capital of Yemen in March 201563. Similar64. US law enforcement agcy. under Department of Homeland Security65. Alfred, ___ Tennyson (poet)66. What’s tender in Mexican restaurants?Down1. Win, place, and show2. Genuine in Germany3. Actress Perlman4. Word on many diet food packages5. Ultra-Orthodox6. ___ voyage (ship’s first trip)7. Celestial body8. “___ of Love” – Hit song from Rent9. Intelligentsia10. Begin11. Treats with ice cream12. Tree-lined walkway, in France16. Hallucinogenic pills21. So___: European capital23. F ___; 1960s US TV series26. Bloke, young fellow27. It’s all wet28. ‘Hey you’32. Wraths33. The Red Planet – backwards34. One of two bath towels36. They evoke laughter37. Nucleosides that play a role in the genetic code (SIN NOISE anagram)38. Belonging to the Western defense org.41. Country whose capital is Dakar44. More sulky45. Available or in stock (2 words)46. Keanu’s role in The Matrix47. The arctic one may be melting (2 words)48. Small burrowing rodent in arid regions of Africa and Asia49. French farewell50. Manages, deals54. Zap, in a microwave55. Author Murdoch56. With ‘phobia,’ fear of strangers59. Color___: US state whose capital is DenverCrossword answers ( Credit: JPost)