Lebanese rockets – an indirect message?

IDF: Hezbollah probably not behind attacks, but may want to let us know what’s in store if Israel strikes Iran.

Remains of Katyusha rocket 311 (photo credit: Reuters)
Remains of Katyusha rocket 311
(photo credit: Reuters)
The IDF is considering the possibility that Hezbollah purposely turned a blind eye to Tuesday’s Katyusha rocket attacks from Lebanon in a bid to warn Israel of the potential repercussions of military action against Iran.
Shortly after midnight, four 122-millimeter rockets were fired from southern Lebanon, just north of the border, and landed in the Western Galilee. No one was hurt but the rockets caused extensive damage to a chicken coop and a propane gas tank, which went up in flames. IDF artillery responded by pounding the launch sites.
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Lebanese security sources confirmed that four rockets were fired into Israel from an area between the villages of Aita Shaab and Rumaysh, about 2 km. from the border.
An organization associated with al- Qaida claimed responsibility.
IDF sources said Hezbollah did not appear to be behind the attacks and that the Islamist group was not believed to be interested right now in a large-scale conflict with Israel. Responsibility for previous rocket attacks from Lebanon – the last was in 2009 – was claimed by radical Palestinian terror groups.
The IDF filed a complaint with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, which launched an investigation into the attack. The UN force called for restraint from both sides.
“This is a serious incident in violation of UN Council Security Resolution 1701 and is clearly directed at undermining stability in the area,” a UNIFIL statement said.
The IDF said it held the Lebanese government responsible for the attacks and that it needed to take action to prevent future rocket fire. Home Front Defense Minister Matan Vilna’i said that “the Lebanese government is responsible for everything that happens in Lebanon and everything that leaves its borders.”

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Hezbollah is believed to be on edge due to the potential impact the downfall of Syrian President Bashar Assad would have on its standing in Lebanon.
It is also believed to be storing some of its advanced weaponry in Syria, and is concerned that these arms and systems could be lost if Assad falls and anarchy breaks out there.