'Elders Of Zion' book being sold by top booksellers

Top online booksellers such as Walmart, Book Depository, Thrift Books, Hudson Books, and Barnes & Noble are each selling dozens of versions of The Protocols of the Elders Of Zion.

"Der ewige Jude" - "Theeternal Jew" movie poster  (photo credit: WIKIPEDIA)
"Der ewige Jude" - "Theeternal Jew" movie poster
(photo credit: WIKIPEDIA)

The antisemitic text The Protocols Of The Meetings Of The Learned Elders Of Zion is being sold on popular book sellers' websites, Jewish social media users were outraged to learn on Tuesday.

Top online booksellers such as Walmart, Book Depository, Thrift Books, Hudson Books, and Barnes & Noble are each selling dozens of versions of The Protocols of the Elders Of Zion. Of note, these retailers are also selling a version published by Book Tree in 1999 that is causing outrage on social media.

The overview on Barnes & Noble's version of Book Tree's Protocols argues that if "The Protocols are genuine (which can never be proven conclusively), it might cause some of us to keep a wary eye on world affairs. "

The overview argues multiple times that the document may in fact genuine, as it contends that "we have not seen a clear and convincing version of it produced by those making the claim."

"Others maintain that it was and is absolutely genuine -- proven by the fact that all copies were destroyed in Russia in the early 1900s by the Kerensky regime. In the following years, anyone caught with a copy could be, and sometimes were, shot on sight,"  says the product description. "The Protocols were taken seriously by the Russians and by people in America like the famed industrialist, Henry Ford. This seems to give it validity, but people (and nations) have been known to be fooled."

"Why is Barnes & Noble selling a forgery responsible for so much Jewish suffering, as if it’s a legitimate book?" Tweeted Melissa Braunstein. "If they want to sell it for courses on the evils of antisemitism, it should be summarized differently and  include an introduction that's clear this document is a forgery, and responsible for untold Jewish suffering."

The seller argues that if "The Protocols are a forgery, they still form an interesting book which deserves to be studied in the same way The War of the Worlds radio broadcast duped many thousands...We neither support nor deny its message, we simply make it available for those who wish a copy."

However, the book cover also features blurbs mocking attempts to stop the sale of the book. "Stop selling books" is attributed to a German publisher. "...Is calling on [on-line booksellers] not to sell the book...calling the disclaimers an insufficient half-measure," is attributed to "an American Jewish organization."

Blackwell's, a UK bookshop, is also selling several dozen versions of the book, including the Book Tree version.

"This is what Blackwell's is pushing with the Protocols of there [sic] Elders of Zion," tweeted writer Tanya Gold, who encouraged others to read a synopsis of a version published in 2014 by On Demand Publishing. 

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"That there is an ancient and enduring rancor for the Gentile by certain Jews there is no doubt," reads the synopsis. "Similarly, that certain Jews have always and still do work to establish Jewish hegemony over the world is not doubted by informed researchers. But what is usually not understood is that Organised Jewry — the leadership of this Jewish ambition — has been in the thrall of a small cabal of men who have for many generations used the race of Jews for a far more sinister aim than merely the establishment of a One World Government under Jewry."

According to Twitter user Matthew John Patrick, Blackwell's copy of the Book Tree version of The Protocols originally had the same overview as Barnes & Noble, but the retailer changed the synopsis after Patrick called attention to the item.

"They consider the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - the most famous antisemitic conspiracy theory - might be genuine," Patrick wrote on Monday. "I’m Jewish. We have no plot to run the world, banks or media. Please sort."

The European Union of Jewish Students criticized Blackwell's for their continued sale of the book. EUJS tweeted that Blackwell's "'neither supports nor denies the message' of an explicitly antisemitic document forged with the sole intent of blaming Jews, justifying pogroms and mass murders. Shameful."