An open letter to American colleges in the face of antisemitism - opinion

In your overarching quest to admit diverse classes, you have instead enrolled in a homogenous army devoid of independent thought and a moral compass.

 SIGNS ARE displayed in front of Deering Meadow, at an encampment of pro-Palestinian activists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, last month. Institutions like Northwestern have succumbed to mob rule, the writer charges. (photo credit: REUTERS/Nate Swanson)
SIGNS ARE displayed in front of Deering Meadow, at an encampment of pro-Palestinian activists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, last month. Institutions like Northwestern have succumbed to mob rule, the writer charges.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Nate Swanson)

As you prepare for your relaxing summer vacations and break from academia, allow me to tell you this: stay put. No one has more work to do this summer than you.

While you’re scrubbing the graffiti off of the beloved statues of your founders, removing Palestine flags flying over your campuses while sweeping away the ashes of burned American and Israel flags, collecting the broiler pans and Stanley cups strewn across your lawns that once contained vegan foods and matcha tea, and scraping off the layers of hate you’ve allowed to foment, you can figure out how you’re going to fix the epic failure that is American higher education.

In your overarching quest to admit diverse classes, you have instead enrolled in a homogenous army devoid of independent thought and a moral compass. I would suggest you analyze your admissions criteria and process and establish new parameters for the same. I would also suggest that you examine who you hire to review these applications to determine whether these individuals are fit for the job. I submit that they are not.

You need to fully investigate this department at your university because it is patently corrupt. Install safeguards immediately so that when candidates are evaluated next year, they are not only judged fairly but they are screened to exclude the types of candidates that have already polluted your university with bold acts of defiance and disgusting, virulent displays.

For the students that you already sadly admitted that continue to diminish your quickly-tarnishing reputation, take aggressive action against them. You might have gathered that they are unafraid of your administration and that is because you have repeatedly failed to follow through with your threats, deadlines, and demands. They know that it is they who run the show, not your administration, not your board, not even local, state, and federal governments or law enforcement. Expel them.

 THE WRITER demonstrates against antisemitism, in Washington, DC.  (credit: #EndJewHatred)
THE WRITER demonstrates against antisemitism, in Washington, DC. (credit: #EndJewHatred)

Expel them, please, before they earn one of your prized diplomas and use it to ascend the echelons of American society, only to further infiltrate and destroy American ideals and freedoms. You have more than enough evidence in your midst to expel these students for their brash and willful violations of your Codes of Conduct and applicable laws. What exactly are you waiting for?

Universities must review their policies, as well as their faculty 

So, too, must you review your faculty. Clearly, you have a problem from within. Your professors, Teaching Assistants, Graduate Student Instructors, and the like should be investigated. Many have been aiding and abetting these students in their insurrection and antisemitic, anti-American, and anti-democratic actions. There is undeniable proof that, at the very least, you must take action to root out faculty that seeks to manipulate your students with propaganda, inspiring students to exhibit bigoted, anti-American ideologies and oppress their peers.

THESE INSTRUCTORS are advisers to and even members of clubs like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) that, despite their names, have taken on the characteristics of terrorist organizations. They have encouraged, aided, and even participated in illegal encampments, many of them freely teaching courses in these “People’s Universities” and “Liberated Zones,” where Jews/Zionists and others are unwelcome. Tenured professors are no exception.

As with the students, there is a great deal of evidence supporting their termination or, at the least, suspension. Can you truly believe that this is your legacy? Are all your students being served and protected by this behavior? Fire them now.

Further, the teachings themselves should be scrutinized. Many faculty members are guilty of indoctrinating your students, turning them into the brainwashed mobs that have hijacked your campuses. What procedures do you have in place for reviewing course titles, descriptions, materials, curriculum, sources, etc? Or do faculty members have free rein to abuse their role as college professors and skip straight to enticing new members to join their hateful cults? You must thoroughly evaluate your curriculum because currently, you are failing all your students, not just your Jewish ones.

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You must also add content to your curriculum and mandatory programming to attempt to repair the dangerous frenzy gripping your campus: the hatred of Jews and America. You need to teach kids about the history of the Jewish people, the Holocaust (alarmingly, polls reveal that many college-aged students do not believe it occurred), the history of Israel, and the actual events of October 7. You need to establish that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

You should also teach them about the dangers of the terrorist organizations they extol, like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as acceptance, compassion, and empathy. You should probably secure mental health experts to assist in deprogramming your students and offer insight into how pernicious their behavior truly is. Hopefully, these psychology experts can also assist with the prevention of future rebellions and their metastases and the tragic loss of basic human kindness and concern for others.

As for your Codes of Conduct for both students and faculty, they need to be analyzed and updated. And critically, they need to be implemented. Having a Code of Conduct you refuse to enforce is, as you have proven, inane and only invites more Code violations. You must accommodate the sad and terrifying state of the world and adapt your rules so that next year, perhaps your students will be permitted to study, learn, and grow in a safe, peaceful, academically stimulating, and enriching atmosphere. Your refusal to hold your students accountable for these violations has exposed the spineless leadership of American academia. This is unacceptable.

WHICH BRINGS me to the next item on the agenda: you must take a good look at your own leadership, both in the administration and your governing boards. Your refusal to exhibit strength, guidance, and authority over the past six months, choosing to instead indulge the unscrupulous whims of your students and rogue faculty, has led us to this volatile boiling point.

Indeed, your university has become a breeding ground for unequivocal support for the next Holocaust. Stop being complicit. Remove people from leadership who exhibit cowardice instead of bravery and ethics.

There is so much more work you have to do, like prohibiting accepting money from foreign governments like Qatar and then probing the ramifications of accepting that money. What kinds of strings did these donations come with? Did these funds influence your curriculum? Require the hiring of certain professors or creation and/or expansion of certain departments? I wonder. While you’re at it, create a safeguard against further corruption through outside agitators.

Bar student organizations – like SJP and JVP – that have occupied your offices, buildings, dorms, libraries, quads, and campus. They are radical agitators and rule-breakers, and they have infringed on the personal and educational rights of others since October 7. They are not serving a noble cause; they are destroying your property and your reputation. Remove them.

I’m sure you are just biding time until graduation, hoping this all fades into the woodwork like a bad dream, assuming that by August, you will return to a normal campus. But if you have learned anything over the past year, it is that burying your head in the sand and caving to the pro-terror faction running your school will only lead to more chaos, discrimination, destruction, and injustice. You have utterly failed and you are in need of widespread and urgent change. This requires work on your part. You are educators. Why don’t you finally do your work?

Start by immediately dismantling the Mein EnKampfment on your lawns. End the sick games of “Simon Says” your students are playing, where they robotically repeat what their “leader” tells them while linking arms to prevent a “Zionist” from crossing campus. Eject the anarchists, de facto Gestapo, and jihadi cheerleaders from your property and especially those that overtly call for the demise of America and Jews with their Hamas headbands, Hezbollah flags, and vociferous support for the “final solution.”

Ban masks and the covering of one’s face by any item because they only enable your students to freely terrorize others, commit crimes, and deface property. Call in the cops and restore law and order. Follow through on your threats and rid your university of these students and faculty who do not deserve the honor of associating with your esteemed school.

Be bold enough to finally be a leader, and perhaps others will follow.

The writer is an activist with the #EndJewHatred movement, an attorney, and an author. She has children currently attending Cornell University and Lehigh University along with a University of Michigan alum.