"Acts of vandalism of University buildings and attempts to harass and intimidate members of our community are unacceptable and abhorrent and will not be tolerated," the university said.
“Jewish students have faced an unrelenting barrage of discrimination; denial of access to campus common areas and facilities," Trump said.
Columbia University is reportedly the main focus of the legislation, following numerous instances of antisemitic and anti-Israel activity on its campus.
The event featured a Jewish speaker who showed a slideshow featuring a Jewish stereotype that "hates Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims,” and “thinks of antisemitism as the only form of racism."
On the first day of Columbia's spring semester, masked activists entered the History of Modern Israel course taught by Israeli historian Dr. Avi Shilon.
A Harvard spokesperson said in the release that the school is committed to "ensuring our Jewish community is embraced, respected and can thrive."
Students showcased solutions in a collaborative project of HIT Holon Institute of Technology and Adir Challenge Foundation.
Shame on them. And shame on the American Historical Association’s many anti-Zionist activists. They are doing a disservice to America, to history, to historians, and their organization’s mandate.
These students recognize the importance of their role as advocates for Israel and see this mission as an opportunity to further hone their leadership skills in preparation for their return to campus.