LIVE interview: 'The Jewish Future Pledge educates who we are, what we are and why we are'

Charles R. Bronfman, renowned Canadian-American businessman and philanthropist, in conversation with Tamar Uriel-Beeri.

Charles R. Bronfman speaks with Tamar Uriel-Beeri

Thursday, April 20 • 5 PM Israel Time • 10 AM EST

Charles R. Bronfman, renowned Canadian-American businessman and philanthropist, speaks with Tamar Uriel-Beeri, managing editor of, about the importance of the Jewish Future Pledge and the Jewish Youth Pledge,  two unique initiatives designed to help sustain the future of the Jewish people.

The Jewish Future Pledge is a worldwide movement inspiring Jews of all backgrounds to commit that from the charity they leave at their passing, at least half is earmarked to support the Jewish people and/or the State of Israel.

The Jewish Youth Pledge,  asks Jewish teenagers and young adults – ages 13 to 24 – to commit to being active, contributing members of the Jewish community throughout their lives.”

To take the Jewish Future Pledge >>>

Bronfman, who, together with Michael Steinhardt, co-founded Birthright over twenty years ago, points out that the educational value of the Jewish Future Pledge is similar to that of Birthright. “Both initiatives are trying to preserve the Jewish future. The Jewish Future Pledge educates who we are, what we are and why we are.”

As a signatory of the Jewish Future Pledge, Bronfman says signing the Pledge makes an important statement about the future of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. “The saying ‘We are one’ is not just a campaign slogan. We are one people. Whether you live in Tallahassee or Tel Aviv, it doesn’t matter. You’re a Jew, and that’s it. And as Jews, we should all be taking the Jewish Future Pledge to ensure the future of our people.”

Birthright Israel participants are encouraged to sign the Jewish Youth Pledge, and Bronfman says that the positive Jewish experiences engendered by Birthright have a positive impact on those who sign the Jewish Youth Pledge. The Jewish Youth Pledge engages teens with their Jewish heritage and role in the Jewish community through a pre-planned lesson, including videos and discussion prompts. Participants write a letter on their smartphone or tablet to their future selves, answering questions such as, “If you could meet yourself in the future, what would you hope to hear that you had accomplished or contributed?” The letter is stored in a secure Digital Time Capsule and shared with participants at key junctures throughout the next two decades of their lives. “Whatever happens to them emotionally and spiritually on a Birthright trip will reflect on what they wrote with the Jewish Youth Pledge,” he says.

Bronfman is certain that the Jewish Future Pledge and Jewish Youth Pledge can help the Jewish people around the world work together, both in Israel and abroad, cooperatively and in harmony. “They’d better,” he chuckles.

To take the Jewish Future Pledge >>>