Chikli also warned about the danger of Islamic terrorism to the world, attacking Muslims as well.
“We can’t afford to let exhaustion set in,” she insists. “The Jewish people have faced existential threats before, and we have survived. We will survive this too.”
Auburn University men’s basketball coach Bruce Pearl is this generation’s Sandy Koufax.
The gathering was part of The Connection Initiative, a project that connects Israeli pre-military students with young Jews who are participating in Masa Israel programs.
Suspect Christopher Rosa allegedly tried to abduct an 8-year-old Jewish child in his car trunk.
Molan's stance against antisemitism is informed by her desire to fight for her values and create a better world for her daughter to live in.
Alexander Mashkevich did not just support Jewish communities—he saw it as his mission to strengthen, develop, and unite them.
It was the kind of talk you could hear in any of a number of progressive Jewish settings, where questioning Israeli policy and society is uncontroversial and even encouraged.
The Israeli government has exposed a growing rift between its political calculations in terms of fighting antisemitism, and the actual concerns of Diaspora Jews.
Mashkevich began the Kazakhstan Jewish Congress and was one of the founders of the European Resources group.