Two surprising orgs. asked constituents to rally in support of Israel

A broad coalition of American communities will gather for the “March for Israel” rally on November 14 at the National Mall in Washington.

 Liberal and Reform Jews participating in a rally, in support of Israel In San Jose, CA (photo credit: TZAMERET BEN DAVID)
Liberal and Reform Jews participating in a rally, in support of Israel In San Jose, CA
(photo credit: TZAMERET BEN DAVID)

Two very different Jewish-American groups have called upon their constituents to participate in next weeks mega pro-Israel rally in Washington DC: Both the ultra-Orthodox Agudath Israel of America and the leftwing American's for Peace Now, have sent an invitation to their mailing lists and asked for their supporters to join the rally.

These examples exemplify the huge support for Israel among American Jewry, even those who would be your average participant at similar rallies in the past.

A broad coalition of American communities will gather for the “March for Israel” rally on November 14 at the National Mall in Washington.

The event, which will take place under tight security, is expected to be a display of unanimous support for Israel, as well as flagging the surge in antisemitic events in the US since the Hamas massacre on October 7.

"In light of the ongoing life-threatening danger confronting Israeli soldiers and all of our dear brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel [the Land of Israel] and with great concern about the extremely volatile political climate here in the United States, we feel it is important... that there be a large turnout at this event," a message from Agudath Israel on Tuesday read. 

"Accordingly, and in consultation with our rabbinic leadership, we are circulating to our friends and constituents information about the rally," they concluded. Agudath Israel didn't support Zionism in it's early stages, now it does, in it's own special way.

In addition, Hadar Susskind, president and CEO of the left-wing American Friends for Peace Now, also sent out an email blast on Tuesday.

"Thousands of American Jews, along with friends and allies, will gather for a rally on Washington’s National Mall-- and we will be there," Susskind wrote.

"There will be progressive Jews and conservative Jews. There will be observant Jews and secular Jews," he wrote, adding that "Together with our colleagues at like-minded groups we are organizing a Peace Bloc, and will be there in solidarity. In solidarity with the people of Israel, in solidarity with the hostages held in Gaza and with their families, and in solidarity against the alarming rise in global antisemitism.

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Susskind added that although they encouraged participation in the rally, organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and Conference of Presidents, "We are not co-sponsoring the event, nor will we be among the speakers. And yes, it is nearly certain that some speakers at the rally will say things that we disagree with, and they will certainly not say everything that we believe needs to be said. But we will not cede this ground to those with whom we disagree. We will stand together as a community alongside other Jewish organizations in our Peace Bloc and yes, alongside those who do not share our views."

Why is this so dramatic?

Agudath Israel acts as a principal organization for Haredi Jews in the US, encompassing most yeshiva adherents and numerous Hasidic sects, despite some, like the anti-Zionist Satmar, not aligning due to differing views on Israel. 

Agudath Israel originally opposed Zionism but joined the Israeli government after the state's formation in 1948 to protect the religious community's interests. Unlike more vehemently anti-Zionist groups, Agudah actively participates in Israeli politics to advocate for Haredi concerns.

American Friends of Peace Now is an organization that has been advocating against what they call "the occupation," for decades. They promoted and supported the Two-State-Solution and are usually the ones to criticize Israeli actions. Both of these organizations signify a change in the American Jewish community, displaying pure support for the only Jewish State from surprising directions.

The organizers of the rally haven’t said so directly, but are attempting for this to be the largest display of unity and support for Israel in decades. They are hoping for hundreds of thousands of Israel supporters to show up.