More evidence vaping is not a healthy alternative to cigarettes
New studies show possible link between vaping and pulmonary disease
By SYDNEY DENNENperson smoking an ecigarette(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Do you or anyone you know use electronic cigarettes? New studies show possible links between vaping and severe lung disease according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Fifteen states have found more than 120 cases of lung disease or injury that can be linked to vaping and e-cigarettes, according to a CNN survey. Now, the CDC said it is investigating severe lung disease among those who use e-cigarettes.The new survey received responses from 42 states with Wisconsin having the most confirmed cases of pulmonary disease - 15 confirmed and 15 under investigation.Dr. Howard Zucker, the New York health commissioner, said: "These latest reports of pulmonary disease in people using vaping products in New York and other states are proof that more studies are needed on the long-term health effects of these products."On Saturday, the CDC said it has counted at least 94 possible cases of severe lung illness associated with vaping within the last two weeks. Health officials are still unsure whether there's a connection between the cases and whether vaping is what caused the illnesses, but multiple people have been hospitalized.Now the CDC is urging doctors to collect samples of what these patients may have been vaping and is working with different states to facilitate testing.The patients in question are coming into the hospital with symptoms including shortness of breath, fever, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness and chest pain, according to the Minnesota Department of Health.Doctors say it's hard to diagnose because most of these patients are otherwise healthy and when they go in for testing, their tests come back negative for any infection.Officials are now trying to determine the specific products the patients are using but three states have reported the use of nicotine and marijuana products.The full extent of e-cigarette's short and long term risks are unclear, but health experts believe a variety of substances in e-liquids may harm healthy cells or contain dangerous chemicals.