Importance of regular maintenance for public health and safety, risks of neglected sewage systems, and guidelines for handling emergency situations related to sewage.
Key financial figures for the first quarter include an operating cash flow of $149 million (before changes in working capital and tax) and the acquisition of fixed assets amounting to $25 million
Outdated flammability standard drives use of harmful flame retardants in car interiors.
A recent study looked at how PFAS affect heart disease, finding that they are hard to avoid and have a greater impact on young people, even with minimal exposure.
According to reports, the blast was so large it was seen from several cities across central Iran.
The researchers tested both conventional products and “green” cleaning products and detected a total of 530 unique volatile organic compounds.
A number of potentially harmful chemicals have been found accumulating in the air filters of the International Space Station. This is how they got there.
With these findings, those reactions could become more efficient – producing more products with less material, byproducts, pollution, and energy.
After years of research, Harvard researchers uncovered chemical cocktails to slow aging, paving the way for a "fountain of youth."