IDF to evacuate Homesh yeshiva after terror victim's family ends shiva

The victim of the recent terrorist attack had been student at the Homesh Yeshiva located at the site of the former Homesh settlement.

 Family and friends attend the funeral of Yehuda Dimentman at Har HaMenuchot Cemetery in Jerusalem on December 17, 2021, Dimentman died in last night shooting attack near Homesh. (photo credit: NOAM REVKIN FENTON/FLASH90)
Family and friends attend the funeral of Yehuda Dimentman at Har HaMenuchot Cemetery in Jerusalem on December 17, 2021, Dimentman died in last night shooting attack near Homesh.
(photo credit: NOAM REVKIN FENTON/FLASH90)

The IDF plans to evacuate the Homesh Yeshiva after the week long mourning period ends for terror victim Yehuda Dimentman, the head of the religious seminary Rabbi Rabbi Elishama Cohen told reporters on Monday.

"We know that a decision was made to destroy Homesh," Cohen said adding that this included assessments top military decision makers and and security forces."

He spoke at the shiva for Dimentman which has been held at his parent's home in Mevaseret Zion and hasa included Dimentman's siblings, his wife Ethia, and their toddler son David.

The victim had been student at the Homesh Yeshiva located at the site of the former Homesh settlement in northern Samaria in the West Bank, near Jenin. 

Dimentman was killed on Thursday as he left the Homesh hilltop and headed to his home in the nearby Shavai Shomron settlement.

 Yehuda Dimentman's widow Ethia and child (left) at a press conference. (credit: TOVAH LAZAROFF)
Yehuda Dimentman's widow Ethia and child (left) at a press conference. (credit: TOVAH LAZAROFF)

The yeshiva, was created in 2002 when the settlement still exists and was illegally rebuilt there in modular structures after the settlement was destroyed.

The IDF has evacuated it multiple times over the years, but Cohen and the Dimentman family fear that this time the IDF will prevent them from rebuilding once it has been razed.

The family and Cohen have asked Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the government to authorize the yeshiva in Yehuda's name.

It's been "15 years since we were uprooted from there, 15 years in which we used to respect everyone and did no harm to anyone and only spread light and Torah in the name of all Israel," Cohen said.

"Yehudah loved Homesh with every fiber of his soul," Cohen said.

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Ethia accused the IDF of "playing with the feelings of a grieving family."

She told reporters that the family planned to head to Homesh immediately after the shiva was over.

"We invite all the people of Israel to march with us," Ethia said. "March with me and with David and with the whole family," she added.