IDF officer who stopped terrorist to receive citation

The soldier stopped the terror attack while being seriously injured himself.

 The scene of the attack near Beit Horon, Nov. 2, 2022.  (photo credit: UNITED HATZALAH‏)
The scene of the attack near Beit Horon, Nov. 2, 2022.
(photo credit: UNITED HATZALAH‏)

Lieutenant A., who shot and killed a terrorist during a car-ramming attack near the Bell checkpoint outside of Modi'in last November, will receive a military citation for his conduct, the IDF Spokesperson Unit announced.

A. managed to shoot and kill the terrorist even after being seriously injured and was subsequently evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

The attack in November 2022

The citation will be awarded to him by Commander of West Bank Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Avi Blot and was green-lit by the commander of the IDF Central Command, as well as Chief of Staff Halevi.

In the attack in November 2022, a terrorist rammed his car into Lieutenant A. at the "Bell" checkpoint and then tried to attack him with a machete. A. managed to shoot the terrorist while lying injured on the ground. 

 Lt.-Col. Rafi Goldstein receiving the 2014 President’s Citation (credit: Courtesy)
Lt.-Col. Rafi Goldstein receiving the 2014 President’s Citation (credit: Courtesy)

"The officer was seriously injured and despite this, he showed extraordinary resourcefulness and courage by firing his weapon and neutralizing the terrorist. By his actions, he prevented a larger attack that could have occurred. The officer demonstrated high abilities of composure, precision and dedication in protecting his soldiers and the citizens of the State of Israel and is an example of what is expected of a soldier and commander in the IDF," Commander of the West Bank Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Avi Blot said.

Lieutenant A. today serves as the deputy commander of the 'Tavor' battalion's 'Barak' company, of the rescue and training brigade in the IDF's Homefront Command.

Anna Ahronheim contributed to this story.