Doctor's Union threatens strike following police violence against doctor at Kaplan protest

On Saturday night, Dr. Udi Beharev provided first aid to an injured woman at a demonstration while wearing a luminous doctor's vest recognized by the Israel Police but was still detained.

 Demonstrators clash with police during a protest calling for the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip outside Hakirya Base in Tel Aviv, June 8, 2024. (photo credit: ERIK MARMOR/FLASH90)
Demonstrators clash with police during a protest calling for the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip outside Hakirya Base in Tel Aviv, June 8, 2024.
(photo credit: ERIK MARMOR/FLASH90)

Voices in Israel's medical system have been turbulent following the arrest of a doctor who treated a protestor injured by police on Saturday night at the Kaplan protests.

On Sunday evening, the chairman of the Medical Histadrut, Prof. Zion Hagay, sent a letter to the Health Minister, threatening that if no action is taken against the policeman who used violence against the treating doctor, the Histadrut will start a doctors' strike.

On Saturday night, Dr. Udi Beharev provided first aid to an injured woman at a demonstration while wearing a luminous doctor's vest recognized by the Israel Police. Women wearing vests signaling additional mental health assistance were also violently pushed away from the area by policemen.

Dr. Beharev was held on a bus for most of the night and interrogated after 4:00 a.m., with investigators accusing him of various claims that were different from what was filmed, Beharev noted.

He was released exhausted and bruised early in the morning, and so far, no measures have been taken against the police officers who acted violently against him.

Head of medical union addresses Health Minister, demands action  

Prof. Hagay, in his letter to the Health Minister, wrote, "We had a particularly disturbing night in which a doctor was violently arrested simply because he asked to provide medical treatment to an injured demonstrator. This crossed red lines, and I am happy that you issued a sharp and clear statement of condemnation and demanded an investigation of the incident so that such events are not repeated."

A doctor appears to be dragged by police at the scene of the protest in Tel Aviv. May 8, 2024.  (credit: Liri Burk Shavit/X/Screenshot)
A doctor appears to be dragged by police at the scene of the protest in Tel Aviv. May 8, 2024. (credit: Liri Burk Shavit/X/Screenshot)

"Already in the late hours of the night, I announced that Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai should investigate the case and insist that we do not see similar incidents again, alongside an independent investigation that will hold those responsible. It is unthinkable that a doctor, who is in a place wearing a vest identifying him, which should be known to every policeman in the field, suffers a violent attack and is detained for hours, all because he did the obvious and provided medical assistance to a person who needed it," Hagay continued. 

"I call on you, as someone who trusts the health care system in Israel, to act with the Israel Police and the National Security Ministry so that every policeman learns in depth the seriousness of the case, and as you described so well: saving lives and any medical treatment is the highest value above all."

"I want to repeat the message I already conveyed last night: as long as the systems entrusted with enforcement do not handle this case with all the necessary severity, we will not hesitate to take organizational measures up to the point of shutting down the system. We have no intention of putting this on the agenda," Hagay concluded. 

Health Minister Uriel Busso said in a statement, "I take seriously the arrest of the doctor Dr. Udi Beharev while he was treating a protester who was injured in Tel Aviv. Even in times of stress, saving lives and any medical treatment precede the policemen's commitment to maintaining public order. I call on the commanders to investigate the incident, refine the procedures, and ensure that what we saw last night does not happen again."

Dr. Beharev, the doctor who was arrested, said on Sunday: "To all my sisters and brothers, I am in good physical condition. The soul is agitated, but no one by force or words of humiliation will break the spirit that blows in all of us. All I did was what any decent person would do, and certainly any medical staff member, and even more so, you, my sisters, and brothers. In every meeting, even in the hustle and bustle, I always feel we are one."

"We all have the same soul. I ask everyone that what happened to me will not put fear in your hearts and will not let go of your hands. I am with you personally, as well as with everyone in the world. And the hope for a better society will never fade, and we will see better days and celebrate together."