
A strike is a form of protest where workers and employees refuse to continue to work.

There can be many motivations for this, such as objection over specific policies or dissatisfaction with wages.

The practice became more widespread following the Industrial Revolution, where more companies began to rely on mass labor.

Strikes are not limited solely to the private sector, and employees in government agencies, public transportation and medical institutions have gone on strike before.

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Ben-Gvir hints strike in Iran as 'weak, disappointing'

After the Iranian attack on Israel on Sunday, Ben-Gvir tweeted, "Impressive defense until now – now there must be a crushing attack."

US fighter jets over Syria

US launches counter-strikes in Iraq and Syria, officials announce

While the US strikes did not target any locations inside Iran, they are likely to increase concern about tensions in the Middle East.

 Israeli artillery unit stationed near the Israeli border with Lebanon, northern Israel, December 12

Israel is at war with Hezbollah

We can’t abandon a huge swath of the country and leave people like Mira and Barak Ayalon in the crosshairs of Hezbollah. Civilian casualties are not acceptable and must be addressed.

Eli Cohen solves Foreign Ministry work dispute in final day as minister

The signing of the agreement by foreign minister Eli Cohen marks the end of the two-year-long dispute.

High school teachers, Finance Ministry reach deal after students strike

Among other things, the new agreement allows for teachers to be paid advances on their pay raise while the parties continue to iron out the fine details.

Israeli high schoolers to strike amid teachers dispute with government

The Secondary Schools Teachers Organization was expected to lift the sanctions when the new school year began after it came to agreements with the Finance Ministry at the last second.

High school students to strike if sanctions against Teacher's Union are not lifted

The National Student and Youth Council said Israeli students had been "trapped" in a struggle between the Teacher's Union and the Finance Ministry for over a year.

Man killed in shooting near Nazareth as Arab sector launches protest strike

The Arab sector held a general strike across the country on Tuesday in response to rising crime rates.


Israel needs to be schooled on valuing its teachers - editorial

Given that high school teachers play such a key role in educating Israel's younger generation, this reflects poorly on the value our society places on them.

Israel averts high school strikes in 'phenomenal' deal with teachers

The agreements, which the Secondary School Teachers' Association described as a "phenomenal achievement," will be detailed in due course, it said.

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