"Instead of saying stop, we said go": Bringing hope to northern Israel through food

LIVE: Chef Lior Lev Sercarz discusses the Galilee Culinary Institute's mission to provide opportunity to northern Israel through food, even as the region faces ongoing conflict.

 Chef and Spicemaster Lior Lev Sercarz, La Boîte (photo credit: Courtesy)
Chef and Spicemaster Lior Lev Sercarz, La Boîte
(photo credit: Courtesy)

"At the end of the day the food we eat, the land we share—it's all connected": Chef Lior Lev Sercarz a mission to bring hope and opportunity to northern Israel through food

In the latest episode of "Israel Unpacked: Myths vs. Reality", host Mike Starr interviews Chef Lior Lev Sercarz, co-founder of the Galilee Culinary Institute (GCI). The discussion focuses on the institute's mission to revitalize northern Israel, blending culinary education with local development, all while the region contends with the daily threat of Hezbollah rockets.

Chef Lior Lev Sercarz, La Boîte. (Credit: Courtesy)
Chef Lior Lev Sercarz, La Boîte. (Credit: Courtesy)

As Sercarz explains, GCI is a project that has been in the making for over 25 years, starting with a vision to elevate Israel's food scene to an international level. "In less than three minutes, we shook hands and decided that we both are thinking about the same thing—how to bring change to Israel through food," Sercarz says, recalling his first meeting with Russell Robinson, CEO of the Jewish National Fund.

However, the dream of transforming Upper Galilee has not been without its challenges. The ongoing conflict in the region, particularly with Hezbollah's bombardments, has devastated communities and left villages empty. But instead of backing down, Sercarz says, "Instead of saying stop, we said go. We're planning for the day after, and hopefully, that day will come soon."

Despite the destruction, GCI has continued to expand, aiming not only to provide culinary education but also to offer jobs and rebuild the area. "We're adding more programs, more courses. When people come back, we want to offer them job opportunities, help farmers get back to their fields," Sercarz emphasizes.

A major theme of the episode is the relative lack of awareness about the hardships faced by northern Israel. Starr points out that while much of the world's attention has been turned towards the South, the North has suffered silently. "It is bizarre to drive for 20 minutes in the Galilee without seeing a single soul," Sercarz reflects. People need to know about the destruction here, too."

Still, Sercarz remains hopeful that food can help bridge divides in this diverse and culturally rich region. "At the end of the day, we're not so different. Whether you're Jewish, Muslim, or Druze, the food we eat, the land we share—it's all connected," he says. GCI's mission is to offer "a seat at the table for everyone," using food to foster dialogue and community.

Ultimately, this episode of Israel Unpacked paints a picture of resilience, both for the people of northern Israel and for projects like GCI, which continue to move forward in the face of adversity. As Sercarz says, "We're not going anywhere. On the contrary, we're here to stay and make it even bigger than what we planned before."

>>> Chef Lior Lev Sercarz will speak at Jewish National Fund-USA's Global Conference for Israel in Dallas, Texas (Nov 14-17, 2024). Register today at jnf.org/global

This article was written in cooperation with JNF - USA.