On the west coast of the Sea of Galilee, or Kinneret, the large body of water provides its magic too.
This inscription not only mentions two previously undocumented village names, Tirathas and Golgol, but also introduces an imperial tax official named Basiliakos.
It has been a tough 15 months for tourism in the North, as international visitor numbers remain just a fraction of what they were before October 7.
This year’s edition will feature about 20 movies by leading filmmakers from Israel, including premieres as well as a rich selection of the best documentary cinema from the past year.
The Rosh Pina restoration site, an important part of the history of settlement in the Galilee, is struggling to survive following a sharp decline in tourism. They can close by the end of the. month.
Whilst you enjoy the Galilee and sample its riches, never forget that the Galilee of Israel today is a mere moment in a long ancient history.
"The opening of the hotel gates is an exciting and defining moment for us, full of hope and renewed belief in a better future," said Erez Moshe, CEO of Galilion.
Strengthening the Galilee must be prioritized over Gaza to ensure long-term security, growth, and national resilience.
MDA announced that response teams were en route to search areas where reports of rocket crashes were received.
The ministry advised citizens against swimming at several Tel Aviv and Herzliya beaches.