Four murdered, four cases of suicide due to domestic violence
Entering lockdown has become a sort of trap for victims of domestic abuse.
By TAMAR URIEL-BEERIAN ACTIVIST holds a banner during a march protesting domestic violence against women, in Beirut on March 8, 2014, International Women’s Day.(photo credit: JAMAL SAIDI/ REUTERS)
So far, four people have been murdered and an additional four have committed suicide in relation to domestic violence, the Superintendent of Domestic Violence in the Labor, Welfare and Social Services Ministry, Hagay Moyal reported on Sunday as coronavirus restrictions have sent numerous households into lockdown, even those who live with their abusers."Unfortunately, there are more than one cases of suicide which is connected to domestic violence," Moyal said during a committee meeting on the matter, led by Aida Touma-Suleiman. "I am already reporting four suicide cases – two men and two women – who are known to us in the domestic violence category. This must unfortunately also be taken into account."Touma-Suleiman said that due to coronavirus restrictions, many women have entered lockdown in homes that have become traps with the most dangerous people to them.The government has begun a national rehabilitation program for women affected by domestic violence, Maariv, the sister publication of The Jerusalem Post, revealed on Sunday morning.The program, called "new threat," is being run in cooperation between the Welfare Ministry and "Alone," a social organization which attempts to reduce poverty and social gaps in Israel by promoting the employment of poor and low-income populations.The program addresses the issue of women experiencing domestic violence and attempts to rehabilitate them entirely until they may return to managing an independent and optimal lifestyle upon leaving women's shelters.Until now, when women leave the shelters for victims of domestic violence, they are not entitled to unemployment benefits or any additional assistance, putting them in significant financial risk. The new program attempts to alleviate that factor.Maariv contributed to this report.