Footage from the incident shows the 45-year-old man from Abu Tor arriving at his son's kindergarten, noticing his wife, and attempting to run her over.
The study found that Arab women were significantly less likely to approach friends and family for help than Jewish women were.
After conducting a screening of the situation, the dispatcher quickly realized that this woman was trying to get help from the police in a domestic violence situation.
Perry, now nearly 70, was apprehended by police in 2019 after his car flipped over several hours after his wife’s body was discovered.
"This is civil terror – yes, civil terror – that is threatening us all, and we all must come together against it immediately," President Herzog said.
The victim's husband, Mohammed Massaroa, has been arrested on suspicion of murdering his wife and children.
This activity was designed to evoke the dramatic moment in the Passover story at the conclusion of the Ten Plagues, the death of the first-born.
The Israeli government rejected a bill recently that would have allowed the courts to order the use of electronic tags to monitor abusers of domestic violence.
The woman's partner is the key suspect in the case after he turned himself in during the night.
Bonot Alternativa they are also a protesting against violence against women, such as murder and sexual assault, as well as many other issues in Israel