The esteemed rabbis serving in rabbinical courts across European Jewish communities gathered in Israel for a special strengthening mission. They met with leading Torah authorities to discuss pressing halachic and communal issues, including the challenges of maintaining Torah study in Jewish communities, combating assimilation, addressing rising antisemitism, and managing the migration of Jews both into and out of European countries. They also tackled concerns related to ritual slaughter, circumcision restrictions, and interactions with governments as advocates for Jewish rights. Further discussions were held on handling Reform and Neolog movements, accepting returnees from those groups into traditional Jewish communities, the shortage of rabbis and religious functionaries, and various educational dilemmas unique to different countries and communities.
Rabbi Yechiel Touboul, head of the Rabbinical Court in Lyon, France, raised serious concerns about the future of French Jewry.
“You, the rabbinical court heads and members of the European Rabbinical Court, bear the heavy burden of leadership with devotion and wisdom, in accordance with halacha. Fortunate are you for this mission. I hear the weighty questions and difficult dilemmas you face in the holy communities you lead, and I bless you with divine assistance to lighten your burden and guide you in making the right decisions. Fortunate are you for your work on behalf of all Israel. You must stand at the forefront, guiding European rabbis on how to lead their communities while prioritizing the strengthening of Torah learning. You should avoid entanglement in the politics of your host countries, except as advocates for Jewish needs. It is reassuring to know that the general Jewish communities of Europe are in such responsible hands,” Rabbi Landau told the court heads and members of the Conference of European Rabbis during their visit to his home.
The European Rabbinical Court members maintain constant communication with Rabbi Landau, regularly presenting pressing issues regarding Jewish community leadership across Europe. On this occasion, they gathered together under his roof to address broader halachic and communal concerns. Rabbi Yechiel Nadel joined the conference, providing halachic insights on matters such as the dating of gittin (Jewish divorce documents) in locations without conventional day and night cycles. The room became an intense study hall filled with Torah debate as Rabbi Landau carefully examined responsa literature, cited historical rabbinic rulings, and referenced decisions from great Torah authorities of past generations.
At the conclusion of the event, each dayan received a personal blessing from Rabbi Landau for himself, his family, his community, and his congregation, as well as responses to personal questions.
During their visit, the rabbinical court members sought guidance from gedolei Yisrael, including Rabbi Dov Landau and Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, due to the immense responsibility resting upon their shoulders. “Only one who takes counsel from the elders does not falter.” The Torah sages attentively listened to the complex and timely questions posed by the dayanim and provided their responses. Fascinating discussions unfolded on halachic dilemmas unique to European Jewish communities—challenges unfamiliar to rabbis in Israel.
Earlier, the dayanim enjoyed an uplifting meeting with Rabbi Hirsch, who dedicated significant time to hearing their concerns and providing thoughtful responses. He delved into the depth of the halachic issues, their implications, and the practical guidance required for each individual rabbi and their respective beis din. The discussions addressed the challenges facing rabbinical courts and community leadership. The visit concluded with an emotional Maariv prayer in his study, followed by warm, personal blessings for each attendee.
Upon their departure, Rabbi Hirsch blessed the dayanim: “May you succeed in the heavy responsibility entrusted to you—to uphold halachic leadership in your communities with utmost precision, expand Torah learning, increase its students, and guide those who have strayed. Stand as guardians of Jewish identity and lineage to prevent assimilation. Strengthen the paths of the community rabbis in leading their congregations to elevate Torah and glorify it. Those who seek wise counsel will never falter.”
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis and former Chief Rabbi of Moscow, now serving as Av Beis Din in Switzerland, elaborated on the challenges facing European rabbis, particularly the influx of hundreds of thousands of Israeli migrants to Europe.
“We find ourselves at the precise moment of ‘And you shall choose…’ May we be worthy of Torah purity and strength to be proper emissaries of the great Torah sages. We all recall how Rabbi Chanoch Ehrentreu zt”l, the founder and head of the European Rabbinical Court, meticulously upheld and enforced Jewish law with unwavering dedication, safeguarding the integrity of Jewish life and actively engaging in outreach. His legacy continues as a pillar of guidance, and the European Rabbinical Court, which he established, operates with the same determination, dedication, and wisdom.”
Rabbi Menachem Gelley, Chief Rabbi and Av Beis Din of London, emphasized Rabbi Ehrentreu’s unwavering commitment to seeking guidance from Torah giants. “He maintained regular consultations with gedolei Yisrael, forming deep and meaningful relationships with the leading poskim. This is a tradition we uphold with the utmost diligence,” he said. He further reviewed the ongoing commitment of the Conference of European Rabbis to Torah leadership, emphasizing that “taking counsel from the elders ensures we always walk the correct path and prioritize the most pressing public concerns.”
One of the key objectives of the visit was to initiate steps toward renewing the agreement signed with previous Chief Rabbis during the European Rabbinical Conference held in Berlin. This agreement aimed to curb alarming spiritual breaches in the continent, particularly the issue of “instant conversions” performed by various non-established rabbinic panels. These ad-hoc conversions are conducted without a proper understanding of Jewish law, community standards, or the practical observance commitments required from converts.
The agreement ensures that conversions lacking the approval of the European Rabbinical Court or another recognized, permanent beis din will not be acknowledged by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. This cooperative framework serves as a crucial safeguard against religious breaches. The European Rabbinical Court, operating under the directives established by Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, enforces rigorous conversion policies, requiring converts to live in Jewish communities where they can maintain a Torah-observant lifestyle and receive appropriate rabbinic oversight.
During the special meeting discussing the agreement renewal, Rabbi Moshe Lebel reiterated the court’s position: “Conversions must be conducted with full acceptance of Torah and mitzvos, and converts must live in environments conducive to their religious commitments. The European dayanim tirelessly engage in outreach, but conversions will only take place when there is certainty that the candidates will adhere to Torah law. The agreement renewal will establish that any conversions performed by transient rabbinic bodies or one-day conversion panels will be categorically rejected in both Israel and Europe. Our hundreds of European communities seek only halachically valid conversions, and we have been privileged to maintain full cooperation with the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and its rabbinical courts.”
With his appointment as Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Kalman Ber and his senior office team have engaged in advanced discussions with European rabbinical leaders to strengthen cooperation. During the meeting, Chief Rabbi Ber outlined his plans to fortify the integrity of kashrus and Jewish lineage, emphasizing the necessity for collaboration with European rabbis.
The European Rabbinical Court members also held strategic meetings with Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel, Religious Services Minister Michael Malchieli, and other government officials to remove bureaucratic obstacles affecting European rabbis and their courts.
This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel