
The Torah outlines the foundational narrative of Judaism. It consists of the first five of the 24 books that make up the Tanach. The five books are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It narrates the origins of Judaism- from God's creation of the world, to the descent of the people of Israel into Egypt and their salvation with the granting of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. The Torah ends with the death of Moses, prior to the people's crossing to the promised land. The books highlight civil laws, religious obligations, and teachings such as the 10 commandments.
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Alfred Dreyfus

This week in Jewish history: The Dreyfus Affair and birth of Zionism

A highly abridged weekly version of Dust & Stars.


Parashat Vayigash: Trading passion for compassion

Israelis are deeply passionate about their political and ideological beliefs. As a people, Jews possess a natural tenacity and a remarkable strength of will.

Parashat Vayigash: Salvation is near

Many times, salvation is not complicated at all. It is already here, right before our eyes.

  IDF reserve soldiers and Orthodox Jews reading from a Torah scroll at dawn.

Prepare it or wing it? Inspiration and guidance for Torah teachers

While being lax about preparation could reflect a lack of respect for the forum and a disdain for the audience, we can also discern positive spiritual aspects of such an approach.

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