Purim: Joyous activities in Israel for the holiday

Below, you’ll find a few suggestions for fun Purim activities that will be taking place in the coming week.

 Florentine Circus (photo credit: DAFNA KAPLAN)
Florentine Circus
(photo credit: DAFNA KAPLAN)

We are commanded to be happy on the holiday of Purim. Luckily, now that we are finally seeing signs the pandemic is coming to an end, everyone is excited to get out and have some fun.

What could be a better way to enjoy Purim than taking the entire family on a Purim outing? With so many flowers and trees around Israel blooming, this is the perfect time to get out into nature and enjoy our bountiful forests and nature parks.

Below, you’ll find a few suggestions for fun Purim activities that will be taking place in the coming week.

1. Florentine Circus in Hakfar Hayarok

This year, the Florentine Circus in Hakfar Hayarok will be celebrating Purim with a Superhero Circus. These superheroes will be arriving just in time to save the world, as they perform in a mesmerizing show with the most talented circus acrobats from around the world, including Germany, Turkey, Ireland, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and, of course, Israel. After the performance, there will be juggling, tightrope walking and soap bubbles workshops.

Dates: Thursday, March 17: 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 4 p.m. & 6 p.m.Friday, March 18: 10 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 19: 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. & 4 p.m.Price: NIS 59-99.

 Technoda (credit: Anat Mahnai)
Technoda (credit: Anat Mahnai)
2. Technoda

Technoda, the Israeli Medicine and Science Museum, in Hadera, offers a fire show, juggling workshops and science experiments.

Kids can also take part in a tour and join an outdoor science lab, where they will learn how principles of physics affect our daily lives, and get answers to questions such as: How does sound travel across long distances? How can the sun’s rays propel boats or squirt jets of water in artificial lakes? How do solar heaters heat up water? How does the length of a string affect the sound it makes?

Location: 2 Harav Nissim, Givat Olga, Hadera.Date: Guided tours on March 16 & 17 at 10 a.m., 12 p.m. & 2 p.m.Price: Tour, NIS 70; workshops, NIS 48; combined tickets, NIS 90.Details: (04) 633-3505, technoda.org.il

3. Rosh Hanikra

The grottoes at Rosh Hanikra will be all lit up for Purim, just in time to invite everyone for a special evening lantern tour featuring jugglers, games and lots of soap bubbles.

The guided tour will take place on Thursday, March 17, at 6 p.m., and on Friday, March 18, with arts and crafts and other fun activities, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

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The grand finale? A fantastic circus with Mr. Moreno.

Price: Adults, NIS 49; kids, NIS 39. Evening tour (75 minutes) – Adults NIS 61; kids, NIS 55 (from age three). Participants must arrive 10 minutes before start of tour.Details: 073-271-0100, www.rosh-hanikra.com

4. Gan Garoo

Gan Garoo Zoo is bringing a touch of Australia to Israel this Purim holiday. During the guided tour, visitors will learn all about the animals that dress up as if every day were Purim, as well as those that take off their costumes. Visitors can pet and feed the kangaroos, the rainbow lorikeets and lots of other fascinating animals living at Gan Garoo.

The hour-long tours will take place on March 17, 18 & 19, at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Price of tour is included in entrance fee. No need to register for tours ahead of time.

Opening hours: Sunday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.Price: NIS 60 (from age two).Details: (04) 648-8531, www.nirtours.co.il

5. Hama’ayanot Park

The public is invited to take part in a Purim party at Hama’ayanot Park, in the Beit She’an Valley. There will be Purim music, lots of festive decorations, face painting and life-size characters walking around and interacting with visitors. Electric golf carts will be for rent as usual, and everyone will receive a map of the park and mishloah manot.

Dates: March 17 & 18.Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.Price: Entrance on foot is free. Golf cart rental for 2 hours – NIS 220 for a 4-person car; NIS 310 for a 6-person car. Bicycle rental for 3 hours, NIS 50.Details: (04) 648-8532.

 Kedma Winery (credit: Lior Abulafia)
Kedma Winery (credit: Lior Abulafia)
6. Kedma Winery

Located in Mateh Yehuda, Kedma Winery is Israel’s only winery using ceramic vessels to store the wine while it ages, in a process combing ancient and modern techniques. Winery owner Lena Slutzkin set out in search of her roots, which led her to Georgia, where she stayed to learn about this ancient process. The winery will be holding a special Purim celebration with music, food and, of course, wine.

Location: Kedma Winery, Kfar Oriya.Date: March 17, 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m.Details: (02) 992-7894.

7. Gamla National Park

The national park will be holding special activities for Purim enhancing nature with lots of Purim spirit. A special megillah reading will be held; afterward, there will be a sing-along and activity in collaboration with Midreshet Keshet Yonatan.

Date: Friday, March 18, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.Price: Included in entrance fee. Event will not take place in inclement weather.Details: (04) 682-2282.

8. Who wants to be a Mamluk?

One day a year, Baibars – who was a Mamluk sultan – welcomes brave warriors to the Nimrod Fortress. If you consider yourself mighty, then you are invited to Nimrod Fortress to learn what it means to be a Mamluk, become proficient at using a sword and protect a fortress. Meet Baibars and hear about the legend.

Date: March 17 at 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 1 p.m. & 2 p.m.Price: Cost included in entrance fee.

9. Odette’s Studio

Take part in Odette’s chocolate mishloah manot workshop in her Kibbutz Regba studio to get your hands deep in the treat and learn how it is made. Each participant will have 200 grams of chocolate to work with.

Location: Odette’s Studio, Kibbutz Regba.Date: March 17, 5 p.m.-6 p.m.Price: NIS 90.Details: 072-395-7570.

Translated by Hannah Hochner.