Voices from the Arab press: Does Hezbollah support Gaza or just hurt Lebanon?

A weekly selection of opinions and analyses from the Arab media around the world.

 WAVING IRANIAN, Palestinian, and Hezbollah flags at an anti-Israel protest in Tehran, Oct. 20. (photo credit: AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES)
WAVING IRANIAN, Palestinian, and Hezbollah flags at an anti-Israel protest in Tehran, Oct. 20.
(photo credit: AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES)

Does Hezbollah support Gaza or just hurt Lebanon?

An-Nahar, Lebanon, November 17

The Lebanese front Hezbollah opened against Israel with the aim of “supporting” Hamas resistance and its allied organizations in Gaza has garnered little international media coverage. Even the White House’s response has been limited, with only an adviser conveying US President Joe Biden’s concerns about Iran’s involvement in escalating tensions with Hamas. Despite the potential for a larger regional conflict, the conflict in Lebanon remains largely overlooked.

This ultimately hinders Hamas’s efforts. Hezbollah’s actions are being portrayed as proof that Hamas, just like Hezbollah, is merely a puppet organization serving Tehran’s interests. The reality is that Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel only serve to undermine the goals declared by Hassan Nasrallah in his recent speech. It is clear Hezbollah is not fulfilling its duties in terms of media, diplomacy, and politics. In fact, it seems the movement is doing the opposite of what it claims to stand for. The entire purpose of establishing additional fronts to the one in Gaza is to counteract and undermine Israel’s military operation against Hamas. Yet, members of this coalition – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen – have explained that they will not cease their attacks against Israel if it halts its ground operation in Gaza. This approach only serves to further complicate the situation and prolong the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Iranian diplomacy has long been warning Israel and the US about the impatience and resilience of the “resistance forces.” Despite these efforts, Israel, backed by the White House, has continued its military campaign without any hesitation. It is evident that the Israeli military, ever since the launch of its Swords of Iron War on the Gaza Strip, has remained unfazed by the escalating tensions on the Lebanese border, the recent Houthi missile strikes on Eilat, or the attacks on American bases in Syria and Iraq. Meanwhile, Israeli forces carry out their mission with little to no pressure. In the midst of the ongoing conflict, Israel remains solely focused on weakening the capabilities of the resistance in the Gaza Strip. They do not seem to fear any retaliation from Hezbollah, the Popular Mobilization Forces, or Ansar Allah.

What is even more concerning is the current state of Lebanon, which has now become a mere “support front” for Hezbollah. The country is in dire need of support, and it has attempted to convince the US, France, Egypt, Qatar, and the Arab League to intervene. It is a critical time for the international community to take action and put an end to the ongoing violence in the region. The concern during the first few days of the war was whether Hezbollah would launch a full-fledged war with Israel. Paradoxically, this question has now shifted to: Will Israel extend its retaliation campaign against Hezbollah? The “support front” established by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon has yielded no gains for the Palestinian resistance. Furthermore, it has inflicted significant damage with far-reaching consequences for Lebanon.

The losses incurred by Israel in opening the Lebanese front pale in comparison to the immeasurable toll on Lebanon, both in terms of human life and physical destruction. Hezbollah has exposed the inadequacies of both the Lebanese army and the UNIFIL forces in fulfilling their designated duties as outlined in UN Resolution 1701.

 RALLYING IN Washington, Oct. 18. (credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
RALLYING IN Washington, Oct. 18. (credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

This has brought southern Lebanon back into the Israeli spotlight, as its leadership evaluates the situation, holding discussions with international allies to determine next steps for postwar Gaza and address the ongoing instability in southern Lebanon. Moreover, Hezbollah has clearly demonstrated that it holds the ultimate power in Lebanon, while the constitutional authorities hold no significant influence. This serves as a troubling indication for future regional and global relations, as Lebanon will struggle to garner international support without enacting significant political reforms. – Fares Khashan

Israel in the wake of global protests

Al-Ahram, Egypt, November 16

The ongoing demonstrations against Israel’s unforgivable aggression towards Gaza have been dominating television screens across the world. However, relying solely on these images may not give a complete picture of public sentiment. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that these scenes do not capture the opinions of those who choose not to vocalize their stance in public. In light of the recent horrifying war crimes committed by the Israeli army against innocent civilians in Gaza, the Gallup Institute conducted a new survey on a sample of more than 12,000 Americans just a few days ago. The results, published by The Washington Post, revealed that a significant percentage of Americans (37%) sympathize more with Israel, compared to a mere 15% who express more sympathy for the Palestinians.

However, these findings should be approached with caution. In recent years, suspicions have been raised surrounding the manipulation of poll results to sway public opinion in favor of a certain candidate or cause. This was most evident during the US presidential elections when some polls favored one candidate over the other while others did the opposite. Therefore, the results of this particular poll must be taken with a grain of salt. Yet, Israel’s reliance on the results of these polls is secondary to the overwhelming military, economic, and political support it receives from its allies, who persistently block any attempts to hold Israel accountable in international forums. This unwavering support only strengthens Israel’s resolve in the face of ongoing demonstrations around the world. Take, for example, the confident words of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week, as he stated that Israel’s aim is to eliminate “terrorists.” He even went as far as to justify civilian casualties as inevitable collateral damage in all wars.

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Similarly, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen declared last week that Israel will continue to achieve its objectives and is receiving unprecedented backing on the global stage. Cohen even went as far as to say that even if this support were to diminish, Israel would persist in its mission to destroy Hamas and release all hostages.

In summary, while the recent poll results may reflect a certain sentiment among Americans, the true reality on the ground is far more complex and cannot be accurately captured by television footage alone. It is clear that Israel’s actions are fueled not by public opinion, but rather by the unwavering support of its allies and its own determination to reach its goals. As the demonstrations against Israel’s aggression continue, it is essential for the international community to hold Israel accountable for its actions and put an end to this devastating cycle of violence and destruction. Only then can we truly say that justice has been served for the innocent lives lost in this senseless conflict. – Ahmed Abdel Tawab

Israel is leading the world into a global war

Okaz, Saudi Arabia, November 17

After the October 7 events, several Western nations expressed their support for the Israeli government. They strongly condemned the heinous acts of violence that resulted in the death and abduction of innocent civilians. This outpouring of support gave Netanyahu a chance to boost his dwindling popularity. He took advantage of the situation to rally his government and reassure them that Israel would not face this crisis alone. He claimed that international powers would stand by and aid Israel until the safe return of the hostages, conveniently ignoring the fact that Israel has a long history of waging war against the Palestinian people, long before the events of Oct. 7.

The Israeli government’s recent war in the Gaza Strip has crossed all moral and ethical boundaries. In a month-long response to ongoing tensions, Israeli officials have unleashed unwarranted aggression on innocent civilians. This brutality has caused embarrassment not only within the international community but also among the Israeli people themselves. Criticism from other countries and massive popular uprisings have accused Israel’s allies of complicity in these heinous acts. While the US, Britain, and Germany have justified Israel’s actions as self-defense under international law, it must be noted that this same law also allows for resistance against occupying forces. The Israeli government’s ongoing occupation of Arab lands and the resulting war crimes, such as massacres of civilians, are direct violations of international law.

The condemnation of the Israeli government has been relentless, both within and outside of Israel. Daily protests continue to hold Israel accountable for the deteriorating security and economic conditions, with experts estimating a staggering billion-dollar loss per week. These losses also include the disruption of essential services, such as university, school, and hospital employees, all of whom are mobilized for extended periods of time. Israeli voices, including several prominent newspapers, have voiced concerns over the country’s increasing isolation, drawing parallels to the tragic events faced by Jews during World War II. These fears were echoed by US representatives during a recent hearing for Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, where some senators demanded a cease-fire in Gaza and others symbolically painted their hands red to represent the bloodshed in the region. Even European governments, previously supportive of Israel, have begun to question the extent of its military operation, while China’s patience has worn thin.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman recently tweeted, “How many children and innocent lives must be lost for this bombing in Gaza to end?” And the Russian representative to the UN has called for an end to describing Israel as defending itself, reminding the international community that it is an occupying force. He also warned of the possibility of destruction spreading to the entire region if Israel continues its attacks on civilians. The UN cannot simply turn a blind eye and must hold Israel accountable for its actions. The world must not give Israel free rein to carry out a ground operation in Gaza.

The Israeli government’s current actions have had an alarming consequence: The safety of Israeli citizens is no longer guaranteed, both within Israel and even outside of it. As a result, the Netanyahu administration recently advised citizens to refrain from traveling abroad and to avoid carrying any form of identification that may reveal their Israeli citizenship. The ongoing violence in Israel has put the world on edge, causing even its closest allies to feel uneasy. Criticism of the country’s actions has been growing, with high-ranking officials at the US State Department speaking out against their own government’s policies. In a bold move, Josh Paul, director of the Bureau of Political and Military Affairs, resigned in protest against the US’s support for Israel and its supply of deadly weapons. Similar tensions are also brewing in Britain, where the prime minister was forced to dismiss the interior minister after her controversial statements about the handling of pro-Palestinian protests. Additionally, the British foreign minister has been replaced by former prime minister David Cameron, in an effort to address the escalating situation.

It is clear that the world is turning its attention to this heated conflict, and it’s time for the international community to take a stand. It is no secret that every country prioritizes its own interests, and it is only a matter of time before the global community takes action against Israel’s reckless actions. The international community is on edge as the conflict escalates, fearing for what lies ahead. Indeed, the path Israel is navigating is one that could ultimately lead us to a grim future, and possibly even a third world war. – Muhammad Mufti

The dangers of Gaza to Arab countries

Asharq Al-Awsat, London, November 19

Hamas is not the sole participant in the struggle for survival. Similarly, Israel is not alone in its attempt to overcome humiliation and reclaim its standing. In fact, the entire region is on the brink of an explosive event, with Gaza serving as the catalyst. As we confront the crisis in Gaza, a question arises: Should we simply follow the current momentum and popular opinions, or should we ignore them?

Before addressing this, it is necessary to understand the roots of extremism and its connection to war. In essence, wars serve as the breeding ground for radical factions. The American war against al-Qaida in Afghanistan in 2001 ushered in a dangerous era of extremism, spreading like a virus throughout the mosques, homes, and schools of countries in the region. This troubling trend only intensified with the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. In a swift three weeks, Saddam Hussein’s forces crumbled, and Baghdad fell into the hands of US occupiers. However, as the battle dragged on, the extremist rhetoric proved to be a powerful magnet, drawing in thousands of young Arabs to fight under the banners of al-Qaida and later, Islamic State, in the Syrian conflict. This shift in allegiance altered the trajectory of the war, ultimately leading to the withdrawal of American forces and the rise of Iran’s influence. The spread of extremist organizations was not contained to Iraq alone; their reach extended to over half of the Arab world between 2003 and 2010, wreaking havoc and destruction. Action must be taken to counter this alarming and destabilizing trend before it engulfs even more innocent lives. The Arab Spring, hailed as a catalyst for change, ultimately failed. However, this movement, which erupted in 2011, is merely an extension of previous uprisings led by local leaders and under different banners of protest in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen. Syria, which served as a breeding ground for extremist groups, was also not spared from this upheaval. The recent Gaza crisis is just one battle in an ongoing war in the Middle East. The recent battles in northern Gaza have brought immense tragedy, but amidst the turmoil, we must not lose sight of the larger picture unfolding in Arab societies.

A common thread among past and present wars is the use of conflict by certain factions to weaken and manipulate governments and regional powers. These relentless forces, having faced defeat in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Egypt, are now resurfacing. In response, each country has its own approach to handling the crisis. Saudi Arabia has taken a firm stance, standing in solidarity with Gaza and condemning the Israeli aggression. Diplomatic efforts have been spearheaded by the kingdom, including hosting crucial summits and conferences with Arab, Islamic, and African leaders. Additionally, generous donations exceeding half a billion riyals have been raised, setting a precedent for the region.

Notably, extremist ideologies and propaganda that once thrived in schools, mosques, forums, and local media seem to have dwindled. This shift is a testament to the progress made in countering radicalization and curbing the recruitment of impressionable youths. Calls for jihad and appeals to join extremist groups have become rare occurrences. Some governments have chosen a different path, countering the proponents of incendiary language in the hopes of quelling tension and gaining popularity from the masses. However, I believe this is a mistake that only perpetuates the issue. As extremist voices grow louder, governments struggle to keep up with their demands to sever ties with Western countries, restrict imports, and incite violence. History has shown us that they will even turn on their own governments, far beyond the Gaza conflict. Showing support for the people of Gaza should not involve promoting extreme rhetoric, launching advocacy campaigns, or granting a platform for radical views in religious, educational, or media spaces. It is concerning to see how the organizations responsible for spreading extremist propaganda have become increasingly organized and proficient. Their reach has now surpassed what we previously observed during the tumultuous 2011 revolutions. In the ongoing conflict in Gaza, these extremists are using symbols and ideologies to sell their agenda: figures like Abu Obaida, Osama bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, and dates like October 7. To them, Gaza is not a central issue, but rather a battleground, much like Fallujah in Iraq. Unfortunately, the fate of Gaza will likely mirror that of Fallujah: destruction and oblivion, leaving its people to face an uncertain future. The Israeli actions in Gaza are undeniably reprehensible, a brutal display of revenge that targets innocent civilians. Not only does this fuel extremist rhetoric but it also amplifies their influence among the public. – Abdulrahman Al-Rashed

Translated by Asaf Zilberfarb.