Putin’s legs seen shaking in video amid speculation about declining health

The Russian President, 69, has been at the center of multiple health rumors in recent months after he regularly appeared twitching and unsteady in public.

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with newly-appointed head of the Roscosmos space agency Yuri Borisov in Moscow, Russia July 26, 2022. (photo credit: SPUTNIK/MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/KREMLIN VIA REUTERS)
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with newly-appointed head of the Roscosmos space agency Yuri Borisov in Moscow, Russia July 26, 2022.

Questions have been raised — again — about the health of Russian President Vladimir Putin after a video of him speaking while his legs can be seen twitching surfaced on the internet last week.

The Russian President, 69, has been at the center of multiple health rumors in recent months after he regularly appeared twitching and unsteady in public.

According to the video, Putin fidgeted his way through the National Environmental Youth Forum in Kamchatka on Monday and was seen shifting in his seat while addressing Russian students.

He repeatedly tapped both of his feet on the floor and held on to his armrest for support as he told the children they "have to live for something to die for," as can be seen in the video

This incident comes just days after a similar appearance where he spoke to schoolchildren while twitching his legs manically and firmly gripping an armrest.

What's up with Putin's health?

Questions about Putin's health have been circulating for some time in Russia. In particular, claims have arisen that he has cancer or Parkinson's since he has regularly disappeared for days at a time amid claims he is undergoing surgery.

The speculation abounds, despite statements to the contrary from both CIA Director William Burns and Britain’s MI6 chief Richard Moore, according to the New York Post.

Burns, speaking at the Aspen Security Forum in July, said that the KGB-man turned president was “entirely too healthy.”