American Jews and allies: Go to DC and march for Israel - editorial

There has never been a time in recent memory in which American support for Israel has been more critical.

  Kay and Hannah Dubrow attend a "Stand with Israel" rally at Freedom Plaza in Washington, U.S., October 13, 2023. (photo credit: REUTERS/EVELYN HOCKSTEIN)
Kay and Hannah Dubrow attend a "Stand with Israel" rally at Freedom Plaza in Washington, U.S., October 13, 2023.

On Tuesday, Jews and their allies from across America will flock to Washington, DC, to participate in what promises to be one of the largest pro-Israel gatherings in recent memory.

Jewish schools have canceled classes, communities have chartered planes and major cities have virtually run out of coach buses.

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and the Jewish Federation of North America (JFNA), which are jointly organizing the March for Israel, have called on Americans from all walks of life to attend the event, which will take place on the American capital’s iconic National Mall.

“Hamas’s brutal and ongoing acts of terror have no place in a civilized world, and directly undermine global efforts to seek just and lasting peace in the Middle East,” said Conference of Presidents CEO William Daroff. “It’s imperative that America sends a resounding message of support to our ally that we stand in solidarity with the victims, hostages, and their families; that we reject extreme anti-Israel rhetoric and sentiment; and that we are united around shared values of peace, justice, and freedom.”

“Americans have rightly stood by Israel at this critical moment because Americans understand that Israel’s fight against Hamas is no different than America’s fight against al-Qaeda and ISIS,” said JFNA CEO Eric Fingerhut.

 Liberal and Reform Jews participating in a rally, in support of Israel In San Jose, CA (credit: TZAMERET BEN DAVID)
Liberal and Reform Jews participating in a rally, in support of Israel In San Jose, CA (credit: TZAMERET BEN DAVID)

“As patriotic Americans, we will gather on the National Mall to ensure that the entire world knows that America supports the people of Israel in its time of need, that America demands the release of the remaining hostages, and that America categorically rejects antisemitism and hate in every form. This is a moment where all of us must stand against terror and defend what the terrorists seek to destroy.”

They’re right.

Israel has no greater or more important ally than America and Americans remain staunchly supportive of the Jewish state. Public opinion polls show that Americans stand with Israel and back its military campaign against Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre. They also back the steadfast support President Joe Biden and his administration have extended Israel at this most challenging time.

American Jews have been a driving force behind America’s support for Israel since before the Jewish state’s creation and they remain so today. A relationship with Israel is a core part of contemporary Jewish identity, and engaging with Israel is inherent to American Jewish life. American Jews give generously to Israeli causes, fly Israeli flags in their synagogues and communal institutions, sing “Hatikvah” at their gatherings, send their children to learn about and visit the Jewish state, and advocate for a strong US-Israel relationship. It is impossible to imagine Jewish life in America without Israel at its center.

Why this rally is so significant

There has never been a time in recent memory in which American support for Israel has been more critical. As we in Israel mourn our dead and tend to our wounded, as we are wracked with anxiety over the fate of our loved ones held by Hamas in Gaza, as we await word from our soldiers fighting on the frontlines, and as we witness the surge of hate directed at us around the world, we know we are not alone because you stand with us.

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Our message to American Jews and their allies is simple: Go to Washington and march.March in support of our homeland. March to demand the release of the hostages in Gaza. March against antisemitism in all its forms, including anti-Zionism.

Now is a time for unity. We derive our strength from one another and from our sense of community and peoplehood. Coming together in Washington gives tangible expression to the term “Clal Yisrael” – the Jewish people – and it offers our allies in other faiths and ethnic groups the chance to show that they stand by our side in our time of need.

There are moments in life when one must stand up and be counted. This is such a moment.

For the future of Israel, for the future of the Jewish people, for the future of the US-Israel relationship, and for the future of the values we share – go march, America.