Now is not the time for public criticisms that empower detractors of Israel, Schleifer and Daroff said, arguing that such criticisms foster divisiveness.
According to Lehman, the number of antisemitic incidents marked a 700% rise since the parallel period a year earlier.
“We have never said that was our policy,” Lew told the Conference of Presidents when quizzed about the matter on Sunday night.
The specter of a violent pogrom was a real danger for an identifiable Jewish citizen Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations CEO William Daroff told the Post.
There has never been a time in recent memory in which American support for Israel has been more critical.
"Organized in the wake of the deadliest attack on Israel since the Holocaust, this march aims to unify American voices in support of Israel and to take a firm stand against terror," a statement said.
The holiday reminds us that rain or shine, we are all in this together.
As the leaders of some of the largest Jewish communities in the world, these five Jewish leaders help keep Jewish life worldwide safe, vibrant, and thriving.
Unity is indispensable to the well-being of the Jewish people. In this post-pandemic era, I embrace our community gathering in person.
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