Campaigns against Iran's aggression sets the stage for future peace - opinion

America’s firm response to Iranian provocations can have a strong outcome

 US PRESIDENT Joe Biden attends a ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, last week, of the dignified transfer of the remains of three US service members who were killed in Jordan in a drone attack carried out by Iran-backed terrorists. (photo credit: REUTERS)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden attends a ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, last week, of the dignified transfer of the remains of three US service members who were killed in Jordan in a drone attack carried out by Iran-backed terrorists.
(photo credit: REUTERS)

In a decisive move that marks a significant shift in US foreign policy, the United States has initiated a series of targeted airstrikes against Iranian-backed terrorist proxies in Iraq and Syria. This action, taken on February 2, signifies the beginning of a broader campaign against the tentacles of Tehran’s influence in the Middle East, a turbulent region already rife with tension and conflict.

For years, the US has grappled with the challenge of Iranian-backed terrorism, a persistent thorn in its side. The recent drone strike by Shia proxies in Jordan, resulting in the tragic loss of three American service members and injuries to over 40, has catalyzed a robust response. President Joe Biden, demonstrating resolve and solidarity, honored the fallen in a ceremony, sending a clear message: the US will no longer stand idly by.

The scale of these strikes surpasses previous responses to Iranian provocations, targeting the very heart of Iran’s terrorist proxy network – the Quds Force and the IRGC’s military and training facilities. This strategy aims to curb further terrorist activities without escalating into full-scale conflict, a delicate balancing act given the volatile backdrop of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, where Iran’s shadowy involvement is no secret.

The imperative to dismantle the IRGC’s terrorist network cannot be overstated. This malign influence, if left unchecked, threatens to extend its reach far beyond the Middle East, endangering peace and stability on a global scale. The Biden administration’s shift from a policy of appeasement to one of decisive action is a welcome change, signaling a readiness to confront and neutralize threats, regardless of the cost.

The campaign that came too late

This long-overdue campaign against Iranian proxies signals a pivotal moment in US foreign policy. The narrative that has unfolded reveals a complex web of geopolitical intrigue, with Iran’s regime at its center – a regime that defies international norms, supports terrorism, and seeks to undermine the interests of the US, Israel, and their allies. The illusion that Iran desires anything but conflict has been shattered, as evidenced by the ongoing aggression facilitated by its proxies.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s announcement of a “multi-tiered” response underscores the multifaceted approach the US is prepared to take. With a vast array of capabilities at its disposal, the Pentagon is well-equipped to address this challenge, leveraging intelligence and military might to neutralize threats and protect American interests.

THE URGENCY of the situation is compounded by Iran’s continued belligerence, as evidenced by the relentless attacks on US facilities in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militias. These provocations have not gone unanswered, with bipartisan support growing for a more assertive stance that sends an unequivocal message to Tehran: acts of terrorism will not be tolerated.

Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, has maintained a facade of non-aggression, yet actions speak louder than words. The regime’s support for terrorist proxies and its pursuit of regional dominance through subversion and violence reveal its true intentions. The US’s strategic response, while measured, leaves no doubt about its commitment to defending its interests and those of its allies against Iranian aggression.

In the face of such challenges, the international community must recognize the gravity of the threat posed by Iran and its proxies. The suspension of military operations by groups like Kataib Hezbollah is but a temporary reprieve, a tactical maneuver rather than a genuine move toward peace. The path to stability in the Middle East requires unwavering resolve and a united front against the forces of tyranny and terrorism.

As this new chapter in American foreign policy unfolds, it is clear that the battle against Iranian-backed aggression is far from over. The recent US actions are not merely retaliatory; they represent a strategic, principled stand against those who would seek to destabilize the region and threaten global security. In this endeavor, the US must remain vigilant, prepared to act decisively in defense of peace and democracy.

The road ahead is fraught with challenges, but the message is clear: the US will no longer be a passive observer to Iran’s malign activities. In taking a firm stand against terrorism and aggression, America reaffirms its commitment to leading the charge for a safer, more stable Middle East. This is a commitment not just to the immediate security of its own citizens and servicemen but to the foundational principles of freedom and justice that underpin the international order.

In conclusion, the initiation of targeted strikes against Iranian-backed proxies is a testament to a renewed US resolve. It marks a departure from past policies of appeasement and engagement with a regime that has shown no inclination toward peace or reform. As the US navigates the complexities of Middle Eastern politics, it does so with a clear-eyed understanding of the threats it faces and the imperative to act. This campaign against Iranian aggression is not only about retribution; it’s about setting the stage for a future where peace and stability are not just aspirations but realities.

The writer is a counterterrorism analyst and Middle East studies researcher based in Washington, with a particular focus on Iran and ethnic conflicts in the region. His newly-published book is The Black Shabbat, published in the US. Follow him on X @EQFARD and