The relationship between the IDF and society
The focus is expected to be on gathering intelligence about prominent Houthi leaders’ locations and targeting them.
For 503 days, their names were whispered in prayers, their faces taped to windows, their absence turned into a wound no one could close.
While Israeli networks refuse to broadcast these grotesque propaganda displays, Western outlets continue to oblige.
Strategic philanthropy must unite to strengthen Israel’s resilience, empower local leadership, and prepare for future crises through lasting impact.
One minute, I'm holding a new grandson, and the next - timewise - I'm closer to needing a shower mat than a mat upon which to do some morning push-ups.
Even if empathetic coverage never comes, we will never relent in the important effort to change the international narrative and improve Israel’s image.
Israel's new ambassador to the United States, Yechiel Leiter, is optimistic about navigating complex international relationships.
Her failure to recognize the power of this alliance and the profound moral clarity it represents cost her dearly.
For more than 10 years, we have warned that appeasement and enabling genocidal terrorists to dictate conduct and equations