Anchoring rejuvenation at Ben-Gurion University - opinion

In the challenging context of the ongoing war, we must reinforce our commitment to holistic engagement with our surroundings, guided by the following question: “How can we maximize our impact?” 

 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's Marcus Family Campus. (photo credit: DANI MACHLIS/BGU)
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's Marcus Family Campus.
(photo credit: DANI MACHLIS/BGU)

The traditional concept of universities as detached ivory towers is gradually dissipating, giving way to a more integrated and impactful role in their respective regions. At Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, we have always embraced the vision of what Arizona State University President Prof. Michael Crow terms a “fifth-wave university.” This paradigm positions universities as pivotal in driving sustainable growth and prosperity within their communities.

This ethos was evident in the founding vision for our university. When David Ben-Gurion envisioned a Hebrew Oxford in the Negev, he prophesied back in 1955 that this future university would “play a key role in turning the Negev into a flourishing region through scientific research and technological advancements,” while building a more just and inclusive society. This is what we have been doing since our founding 54 years ago. 

In the challenging context of the ongoing war, we must reinforce our commitment to holistic engagement with our surroundings, guided by the following question: “How can we maximize our impact?” 

While we remain committed to the foundational roles of education and research in transforming society, our focus has expanded toward envisioning and preparing for post-conflict reconstruction in the Negev by embracing all facets of societal development – economic, social, and beyond.

Ben-Gurion University stands ready to play a critical role in this process, leveraging our existing partnerships across society, industry, government, and the IDF. Our collaboration with the Tkuma Authority and other initiatives exemplifies our proactive approach in this regard.

 ‘While we remain committed to the foundational roles of education and research in transforming society, our focus has expanded toward envisioning and preparing for post-conflict reconstruction in the Negev,’ says the writer. (credit: DANI MACHLIS/BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV)
‘While we remain committed to the foundational roles of education and research in transforming society, our focus has expanded toward envisioning and preparing for post-conflict reconstruction in the Negev,’ says the writer. (credit: DANI MACHLIS/BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV)

Reconstruction means more than physical rebuilding

We must remember that reconstruction encompasses much more than physical rebuilding; it represents an opportunity to elevate the standard of living in the Negev. As a university, we can make significant contributions in four key areas: economic development, innovation, and entrepreneurship; social embeddedness and empowerment; research and global solutions; and education, access, and equity.

In education, access, and equity, our goal is to nurture the untapped potential inherent in the youth of the Negev, while attracting top talent. We will provide additional support for veterans of Swords of Iron; and influence education throughout the Negev in partnership with our School of Education’s Child Development and Family Relationships Laboratory and the Jusidman Science Center for Youth.

Economic development, innovation, and entrepreneurship are central to our mission. We aim to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and facilitate the translation of ideas into economic and social opportunities – such as incentivizing company relocations to Beersheba, creating an industry placement center, and enhancing knowledge exchange between our university and local industries.

Our commitment to social embeddedness and empowerment is reflected in our intention to integrate our resources and expertise more deeply into the fabric of Negev society. This includes establishing a social laboratory, a center for shared society, and a community clinic – all aimed at addressing pressing social needs and enhancing social cohesion.

In the realm of research and global solutions, our interdisciplinary approach is key. Plans to establish a new Faculty of Computing, an Institute of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and a Center for Sea Technology at our Eilat Campus, along with strengthening our Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity, are pivotal to this effort.

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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is poised to be an even more central force in the development of the Negev. Our ambition extends beyond restoration to the pre-conflict state; we aspire to usher in a new era of hope and prosperity for the region. Our readiness and commitment to this cause are unwavering, as we seek to play a transformative role in the future of the Negev.

The writer is president of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.