UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan should be next Israeli prime minister - opinion

Such a job will demand a strong, immovable individual who can take on the slings and arrows that will, undoubtedly, continue to come our way.

 AMBASSADOR GILAD Erdan holds up photos of women hostages, showing the how they looked before they were taken captive on October 7 and how they look in captivity, during an addresses to the UN General Assembly in January.  (photo credit: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters)
AMBASSADOR GILAD Erdan holds up photos of women hostages, showing the how they looked before they were taken captive on October 7 and how they look in captivity, during an addresses to the UN General Assembly in January.
(photo credit: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters)

Even before October 7, most Israelis were shopping for a new prime minister, once they realized that the present one empowered an extreme ultra-religious coalition, with an agenda to change the character of Israel to look more like an Orthodox Jewish state. This, despite the secular majority, which values its diversity and freedom to think and act as they choose.

It was at that point that people began to look for an alternate leader, mostly from the Center, as Israel’s left-leaning politicians have been somewhat irrelevant over the past several years. Although each candidate had potential, no one captured the charisma that a spokesperson needed – one who possesses exceptional moral clarity, fearlessness, and the ability to lead unapologetically, as well as someone who understands the complex composition of our country when it comes to its different groups. 

Lacking this right man or woman, nothing has changed. But there is no question that Israel is still searching for a leader whose identity is unwavering and who knows how to move our country forward and benefit all 10 million citizens and residents here.

With that in mind, I highly recommend setting aside 20 minutes to listen to a recent recording of Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, as he addresses the UN General Assembly. He calls the GA out for being the greatest impediment to peace, by criticizing Israel and refusing to identify the real terrorists and nation- states that are brutally oppressing people.

He begins by recounting Israel’s history, and how each generation has had to overcome those who wanted to annihilate them as a people. He shatters the characterization that Jews are oppressors, as portrayed by the many woke pro-Palestinian demonstrators, who have taken over university campuses throughout America.

 Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan and other members of the Israeli delegation wear a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council last week. (credit: Screenshot/Maariv)
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan and other members of the Israeli delegation wear a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council last week. (credit: Screenshot/Maariv)

Addressing the absurdity of discussions presently taking place, in the hope of officially recognizing a Palestinian state, Erdan says that nothing could send a louder message to terrorists than allowing them to believe that their evil efforts have resulted in a reward, giving them the coveted prize of statehood that further incentivizes them to continue their heinous goals with impunity. 

Erdan minces no words

Erdan minces no words by accusing the UN of promoting yet another rogue state that will be permitted to do as it pleases, without any accountability, just as all the other terror states who go unreprimanded by that body.

Recounting every peace plan ever put forth to Palestinians, Erdan explains that this is not about land. They simply don’t want Israel to exist, just as we are hearing from those same campus protesters, calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, through their chant of “From the river to the sea,” which erases all of Israel’s Jewish presence.

Blaming the UN for all of the seeds of hatred, which have now fully blossomed and spreading their poison, the ambassador fearlessly tells it like it is. He says that what is taking place today is a direct result of the emboldening of antisemitism by the UN, which believes that attacking Jews is acceptable. 

This, he says, is the result of the justification that they have consistently given as they continue their anti-Israel stance while ignoring the atrocities of other states. Boldly confronting them to look at the damage they have caused, by the indoctrination they have advanced, he doesn’t try to sugar coat his message to those who are a captive audience and forced to listen to his stinging words.

He said it’s hard to believe that although nine meetings of the UN General Assembly have taken place since the Hamas terrorists’ horrific October 7 attack, not once has anyone there condemned what Hamas did. He is disgusted, he said, by this institution. 

THIS IS where he pivots to the real failures of the UN, noting their inaction to stop the Sudanese war, where tens of thousands have been killed, while millions are on the verge of starvation. Myanmar is also mentioned as being in its fourth year of war. Yemen, too, is causing great suffering to people, its as is Pakistan and Iran. 

In each case, no meetings of the General Assembly have been held to find solutions to these many crimes against humanity, probably because, as he says, they’re too busy smearing the Jewish state. 

In the end, he calls the UN a sick joke that cares nothing for the lives of millions around the world, for the wars being fought, and for the ongoing death and destruction, let alone the Palestinians. 

Have we ever heard any politician express these things so clearly, so articulately and so on target? If so, it doesn’t come to mind. 

Gilad Erdan, at age 53, has been politically active since 2020. He has served in different ministerial capacities for the government, but he seems to have found his true calling as the most effective Israeli spokesperson, only rivaling the former governmental spokesperson, Eylon Levy who was recently dismissed from his position due to petty political considerations. 

However, already having served as ministers of communications, home front defense, interior, public security, environmental protection, strategic affairs and public diplomacy, and regional cooperation, Erdan is well-versed in the country’s issues as well as the complexities of its diverse constituency.

These many qualifying roles, along with his ability to accurately express the truth before a corrupt body, which has contributed to the chaos of this world, equips Erdan to be the best and most effective person to lead Israel into its next phase of history. 

Such a job will demand a strong, immovable individual who can take on the slings and arrows that will, undoubtedly, continue to come our way. The world is not going to suddenly change and look favorably on Israel, even though we are fighting an enemy who would come after them next. 

Standing up to evil players, and those who come to their defense, will demand a self-assured leader who has no timidity or difficulty in identifying the real purveyors of tyranny, suffering, and turmoil being executed and promoted by bad people throughout the world. In that regard, Erdan doesn’t seem to suffer from the inability to call a spade a spade.

The writer is a former Jerusalem elementary and middle school principal. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, available on Amazon, based on the time-tested wisdom found in the Book of Proverbs.