The United Nations (UN) is a massive intergovernmental organization founded after the end of World War II to foster healthy diplomacy; maintain global peace and stability; and facilitate international cooperation.
Based in New York with branches all over the world, the UN is the world's largest international organization.
It consists of six principal organs:
The UN also consists of several smaller agencies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The UN overall is led by the secretary-general, who is currently Antonio Guterres.
Tehran began using aerial drone surveillance and a new facial recognition software in April 2024 to monitor hijab compliance in public spaces.
Mugambe was appointed to the UN's judicial roster in May 2023, three months after police were called to her address in Oxfordshire, according to her UN profile page.
Israel needs to go on the offensive against these types of attacks. It needs to launch proactive initiatives to put the accusers on the defensive.
Knesset members call out the United Nations on double standards in advocacy.
Israel has rejected the accusations, calling them unfounded, biased, and lacking credibility.
I am part of something greater – a nation that stands together in both sorrow and joy. That’s why I need to be here. Am Yisrael Chai.
The judges told Netanyahu to watch his tone but themselves took a conciliatory and empathetic tenor as they explained how certain legal issues were being explored to a certain point of redundancy.
Khamenei told a group of university students that Trump's offer for talks was "a deception aimed at misleading public opinion."
Golan's remarks came at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women which was chaired by UN Women.