The US must evaluate its goals to ensure they align with Constitution - opinion

US tax dollars must be allocated in a way that aligns with these values and promotes the well-being of the American people. 

 THE UN Security Council observes a moment of silence for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, last week, after he was killed in a helicopter crash. (photo credit: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)
THE UN Security Council observes a moment of silence for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, last week, after he was killed in a helicopter crash.
(photo credit: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)

To protect American interests and promote peace and security on a global scale, the United States must reevaluate its priorities and realign its goals and objectives.

The recent moment of silence for the late president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, coupled with the request for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders, sends a dangerous message to the world that aggression and terror will be tolerated, while those who stand up against it will be condemned. This undermines the values and credibility of the United Nations and the United States.

Just as any successful business must have a clear business plan, America too must have a clear plan based on the values of the Constitution. US tax dollars must be allocated in a way that aligns with these values and promotes the well-being of the American people.

The United States funding of international organizations, such as the United Nations with $20 billion annually, must be carefully scrutinized to ensure that it is in the best interests of the United States. If it is found to be empowering and protecting nations that do not have the best interests of America at heart, then it must be reassessed and potentially reallocated to more beneficial ventures.

By creating a clear and updated business plan for America based on the values of the Constitution, the United States can better protect its interests, promote peace and security, and uphold its credibility on the world stage. The world may seem chaotic at times, but by staying true to our values and objectives we can navigate through these turbulent times and emerge stronger and more united than ever.

American Flag (credit: REUTERS)
American Flag (credit: REUTERS)

In the new millennium, there has been a concerning trend among the younger generation, where some individuals are straying away from our fundamental constitutional values, promoting anti-freedom and anti-human rights beliefs under the guise of freedom of speech. This alarming shift threatens to undermine the very fabric of our society and must be addressed promptly.

To combat this issue, it is essential to establish clear red lines that cannot be crossed. Actions such as supporting anti-Western policies or disrespecting the US flag must have consequences to uphold the honor and respect of our nation. Punishments for such actions should be implemented to deter individuals from engaging in harmful behaviors that go against our values.

Additionally, the inconsistency in America’s foreign policy between administrations has also shown weakness to anti-Western governments and even allies. It is imperative to have a clear separation between foreign policy and US constitutional policy, with each administration adhering to the basic principles of the Constitution to maintain credibility both domestically and internationally. By standing strong in the face of adversaries and upholding our values, we can ensure the strength and integrity of our nation for generations to come.

Education is crucial in shaping the next generation’s understanding and appreciation of our constitutional values. It is through education that young people learn about the principles that our nation was founded upon, such as freedom, democracy, and equality. Without a solid understanding of these values, our society runs the risk of becoming divided and losing sight of what truly makes us great.

Establishing clear goals based on the Constitution

To ensure that our future remains true to our constitutional values, we must establish clear goals and objectives based on our Constitution. This means that we must make a concerted effort to teach our children about the importance of our founding documents, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. By instilling in them a deep appreciation for these documents, we can help to guarantee that they will carry on the legacy of our nation’s founding fathers.

Furthermore, to eliminate any discrepancies between government spending and our constitutional values, we must conduct a national reassessment of our business plan. By aligning our financial priorities with the goals of the United States, we can ensure that taxpayer dollars are being used in a way that benefits all citizens and upholds the principles that our nation was built upon. This will help to eliminate waste and ensure that our government is working in the best interest of the people.

The lack of accountability and transparency within the United Nations raises significant concerns for the United States. As an organization that operates above the law and does not always serve the best interests of the American people, the United Nations has become a platform that can enable dictators and corrupt governments to influence decisions that may be counter to American values.

To rectify this issue, the United States must take immediate action to hold the United Nations accountable and ensure that it upholds democratic values. If necessary, the United States should defund the United Nations immediately to prevent further support of decisions that do not align with American principles.

Just as any corporation must regularly reassess its goals and spending, America must also evaluate its policies, funding decisions, and foreign relations to ensure that they align with the values outlined in the Constitution. By doing so, the United States can remain true to its foundational principles and continue to serve as a model of democracy and freedom for generations to come.

The writer is the founder and CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, bridging the business and governmental worlds, stimulating economic opportunity, and positively affecting the public policy of governments around the world.