As a social worker, Jungian psychotherapist, and profiler, I accompany families of the missing, kidnapped, prisoners of war, and entire communities struggling with the ambiguity and uncertainty.
Rabbi Rabinowitz and Zheina Fleischer sat down with The Jerusalem Report to answer some questions about the tensions surrounding Judaism’s holiest site.
A recent study revealed that hundreds of thousands of birds in Israel die every year because of colliding into transparent acoustic walls, as well as smashing into windows in high-rise buildings.
The LGBTQ+ community in Israel has become more divided along political party lines than ever before.
By stepping outside our comfort zones and connecting with people on their terms, we open our lens and hearts to the many faces of Israel that often go unseen.
She is descended from Ishmael and I am from Isaac, but the father of both was Abraham, so perhaps it was kinship that we felt and recognized.
By failing to provide adequate protection for Arab towns, the government sends a message that some lives are valued less than others. This is not only a moral failing but also a failure of democracy.
Rudi Haymann highlighted details about the masses of survivors and displaced people not often discussed in the Holocaust.
Kissing Girls on Shabbat is a ruthlessly frank memoir of her inner turmoil, trying to live the expected married life with a self-absorbed Gur Hassid.
Brandeis University has just issued Books Like Sapphires, written by Ann Brener, who highlights a selection of the books in the Library of Congress.