'Asian Gaza caravan crosses through Rafah into Gaza'
Convoy that originated in India reportedly passes from Egypt several days late; Cairo prevents Iranian delegation from entering country.
By jpost.1eye.us STAFFGaza convoy supporter 311(photo credit: AP)
The "Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan" that began in India and passed through Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt arrived in the Gaza Strip Monday, according to PressTV.Over 100 activists gathered at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Strip. Eight activists arrived onboard one of the convoy's ships, the remainder flew to Egypt from various countries, PressTV reported.RELATED:Ahmadinejad to Gaza convoy: Israel an insult to humanity Asian Gaza convoy stops in Turkey on way to StripAccording to the report by Iranian television, Egypt refused to allow the Iranian delegation from entering Egypt with the rest of the convoy.Last month, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel an "insult to humanity" in a speech to the participants of the convoy during its stop in Iran.In the speech, Ahmadinejad said that Israeli leaders are being awarded Nobel Peace Prizes while the "real genocide" is going on in the Palestinian territories, according to the report.The convoy, which left India in the beginning of December, was originally slated to cross into Gaza on December 27, to commemorate the second anniversary of Operation Cast Lead.