No space at home? This company offers storage solutions

Feeling cramped for space at home? This company offers a solution for just NIS 12 per month.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

Everyone struggles with space at home. From children's clothes waiting for the next child, book collections, toys, baby equipment, and more - items not used daily but you don't want to part with, making the house feel a bit like a warehouse. In relatively small apartments, the struggle is even greater.

Avia Storage, operating 13 storage facilities nationwide, offers a growing service in recent years, AVIA Boxes. These are essentially plastic boxes serving as an "additional room" or "back storage." People rent durable plastic boxes, store items not used daily, and collect them every few months (for example, seasonally) or after several years when they become relevant again (for example, a new child joins the family). Avia Storage also noticed that customers relocating, not storing large items like furniture and white goods, rely on this service, providing a convenient and cost-effective solution.

Here are some facts:

  • What's stored? Initially: clothing, books, documents, and toys.
  • How long do they store? On average, customers rent for a long period of 32 months. Since the service is relatively new, Avia Storage expects the average to increase over time.
  • How many boxes are stored? Customers using this service store an average of 14 boxes.
  • What's the cost? The cost for each box is NIS 12 per month. The price includes delivering the empty boxes to the customer's home and collecting them for storage.
  • How many customers are we talking about? Several hundred customers, three times the figures seen in 21-22. Growth is consistent year by year.
  • What's happening worldwide? This is already a well-established service globally. Here's an example.

And a small note to finish: At the start of the war, Avia provided 10 free storage boxes for evacuees from the Gaza envelope and the northern conflict zone for a year. Later, with the large release of reservists, Avia provided two free storage boxes for released reservists for a year.