Likud: Strange to hear such comments from former prime minister, finance minister who didn’t lift a finger to solve problems protests are about.
By GIL STERN STERN HOFFMANEhud Olmert speech 311(photo credit: Yossi Zamir)
Former prime minister Ehud Olmert praised the recent socioeconomic protests on Sunday in his first comments on the matter since housing demonstrators pitched tents in Tel Aviv two months ago.Speaking at the Conference on Regional Cooperation organized by Vice Premier Silvan Shalom, Olmert expressed solidarity with the protesters and their demands.“It was impossible to not get emotional at the sight of the masses that got together and made their voice heard in a restrained and responsible way,” he said. “I heard the voices and identified with the emotions. This was a demonstration in favor of a better Israel.”The Likud responded by bashing Olmert and blaming him for many of the socioeconomic problems.“It is strange to hear such comments from a former prime minister and finance minister who didn’t lift a finger to solve any of the problems faced by the middle class that the protests are about,” said the head of the Likud’s response team, MK Ophir Akunis.Click for full JPost coverage